Drunken Characters Gone Wild in the Movies #amblogging #atthemovies

While expressing apprehension to cook a full meal and feeling regret about agreeing to host a New Year’s Eve party for family and friends, at her house, a young lady recently said to me “It’s not about the food, it’s about the (alcoholic) drinks!” Plans for cooking chicken wings changed to serving some meatballs, and nothing else, for guests so they can at least have something in their stomach to prevent them from getting wasted on booze.
Since many people around the world celebrated New Year’s with a drink or two or three or several, I’d be willing to bet that some of these folks treated others in their surroundings to a handful of stories, jokes, insults, incomprehensible rambling and other outbursts that became the highlight of the EVE-ning -- which brings me to this week’s Monday Movie Meme topic: She/He said what?!!!.
Share on your blog movies that feature drunken outbursts during holidays or special occasions. Here are my selections for this week’s She/He said what?!!! movie meme.
It’s hard to not feel embarrassed for Carla, when her boyfriend Daniel revealed their sexual escapades in front of a room full of family and close friends, at a Christmas party. For what it’s worth he did say that he is in love with her too. His drunken announcement at the party was funny, sweet and surprising. Who can forget the scene...”last year on Thanksgiving, we did it...and it was so beautiful.” I don’t know what’s worse...Daniel’s public declaration filled with TMI or the fact that many of the guests started laughing at him and Carla and not with them.
Ally’s tipsy toast left much to be desired after she insulted her sister Daisy’s fiance Eddie by calling him a douche-bag, aired the couple’s dirty laundry out in front of guests by introducing another woman who he cheated on Daisy with and then accidentally broke a champagne glass during an engagement party. Needless to say, Ally sure does know how to drink and say inappropriate things at the most unseemly moments. She’d probably be a lot of fun during a New Year’s celebration but I wouldn’t want to give her the floor unless I was tipsy too and unlikely to remember what she said, the next day.
Ok, here’s a lesson for Iesha: Never get so drunk after a family reunion barbecue (that you and your friends crashed) that you feel bold enough to tell your boyfriend “that’s the reason why I’m fucking somebody else” after calling him impotent and weak during an argument, and then expect him to be cool, calm and collected about it.
Chances are, he’s not going to take that one sitting down or standing up for that matter and while the situation in this particular movie scene is messed up and Chicago was wrong for hitting a woman, Iesha’s drunken outburst is the reason that he whopped her ass on the side of the highway. If she kept her mouth shut....better yet, if she wasn’t cheating in the first place, then none of that would have happened. Now, the better way to deal with that from Chicago’s position would be to just end the relationship and tell Iesha to take her drunken behavior to the new man that she’s sleeping with...but I guess that’s too logical of an option.
Don’t forget to visit your fellow Monday Movie Meme participants and show some love by leaving a comment or two. By the way, Happy New Year!
Shouts out to Dale at Smurfin the Web! I look forward to another fun month of hosting this thing alongside you.
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