My Favorite Christmas Movies #amblogging #amwriting

As we kick off another Monday Movie Meme following my Big Payback from last week, it’s about that time to get into the holiday spirit. Dale at Smurfin the Web takes his hosting duties up a notch with the festive topic of naming our favorite Christmas movies. This one shouldn’t be a toughie, but I’m not exactly the most festive person in the world with regards to the Christmas holiday.
I don’t decorate, sing carols or participate in any related traditional activities that scream “I’m full of the holiday spirit!” -- unless I’m in a really good mood or have been inspired to do so for some random reason. None of the latter scenarios apply this year, but alas, there are some Christmas holiday movies that I rarely tire of watching -- and here they are.
It’s a Wonderful Life
I was vaguely familiar with this movie due to commercials and television programs that showed clips from the film, but did not watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” until my post-college years. After a long and gloomy conversation with a work supervisor about some negative feelings and thoughts going through my mind, this movie was recommended to me and I’m glad that I saw it. Now, that doesn’t mean I believe that a little perspective or some guardian angel from above will come down and fix everything or help us ‘see the light’ -- but, if there is anything that can get me into the Christmas holiday spirit, THIS movie is it!
Bad Santa
Now, this is on the other end of the Christmas holiday spectrum, which is why I love it. There is no reason to really be mad at Billy Bob Thorton’s character at all, since Santa Claus himself is a fictional character used to boost the commerce sector in our Western culture without providing any real value to children, or even adults, for that matter. Also, I found this movie to be obnoxiously funny and it sometimes holds a special place in my heart because I watched it with, and on the recommendation of a friend in the Navy, who was home on a short break.
The Kid Who Loved Christmas
Sammy Davis Jr. and Cicely Tyson star in this TV movie, a heartfelt little holiday story about an orphaned boy who asks Santa Claus for help in stopping social services from removing him from the home of his adoptive family. What strikes me about this little boy is that he had a positive and hopeful attitude, despite the tough circumstances he was in and the struggles that his adoptive father endured to try and keep them together. Although we all know Santa is imaginary, this little boy believed in the possibility of miracles, in the midst of all of his troubles. This stands out because the principles in this story are what life is about -- not just the holidays. While “The Kid Who Loved Christmas” does not seem to be available on DVD, it is on VHS and is often aired on television -- always a joy for me to watch!
Reader Comments (2)
Oh man! The Kid Who Loved Christmas! Man, I remember watching that so many years ago. Loved it, specifically because Sammy Davis Jr. was in it. I loved that guy!
As for my favorite Christmas movies, I'd have to go with:
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ("Sh**ers full!")
How The Grinch Stole Christmas (w/Jim Carrey)
Die Hard (takes place during Christmas)
A Charlie Brown Christmas (Linus' speech always gets me)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
We plan to watch a few of these over the next couple of weeks! :-)
It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story are the two classics I've watched repeatedly and always enjoy.
As I mentioned on "Smurfin'" a new favorite of mine is Fellini's Ginger and Fred. It's surrealism with Christmas charm. If you like foreign films and haven't seen this you should check it out.
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