The DVD Snorefest: Movies that were Less Exciting to Watch #netflix #amwriting #boring

It’s another installment of the Monday Movie Meme and today’s theme is inspired by my tiredness and recent lack of motivation to write a blog post. First and foremost, big thanks to Dale at Smurfin the Web for putting us all in the holiday spirit last week. Since it’s my turn to host the meme this week, here is the topic: Cue the yawning! Share on your blog some of the most boring movies that you’ve ever watched.
Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good opportunity to get new views of Matthew McConaughey as much as the next woman but even he could not keep my attention on “Amistad.” Maybe this is one of those movies that you have to watch in the theater to fully appreciate the work and not fall asleep. I bought “Amistad” on DVD several months ago because I never saw it and always wanted to check it out but about 30 minutes in to this movie, I lost interest in the film.
I started multitasking and then just let the DVD play in the background while I worked on the computer and performed other household tasks. I don’t know what happened and I don’t even care. Amistad’s lengthy running time doesn’t help the situation either, especially today when I tend to skip that selection while considering DVDs in my movie collection to watch on a lazy, boring or depressing afternoon or evening. Maybe I’ll get around to watching “Amistad” in it’s entirety one day -- if I have the time and patience to do so.
In the Bedroom
You can’t go wrong with Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson, but somehow, it felt like “In the Bedroom” was set into a cruise control mode that never let up. Fortunately,
this was a good movie, so I did give it my full attention, unlike the experience in watching “Amistad.” I still kept anticipating the end credits, like I couldn’t wait until the movie was over.
The few dramatic and action-packed moments were forced to make up for a LOT of down time. I get the point -- something tragic happened, people are sad, there is resentment in the air and the grief has to be dealt with in one way or another. So, why do we have to watch a guy sitting in his car for what seems like 15 minutes to forever, doing absolutely nothing?
I’m probably going to be criticized for this point of view, because “Slacker” is an independent film classic and everything.-- still, it’s boring. Sorry, but there’s no way getting around the fact that I just could not get into this movie. I don’t remember much about it because it stopped paying attention to it not too long after I popped the DVD into the DVD player.
Funny enough, though, I did find the short film located on the special features menu (or do I have this “Slacker” DVD mistaken for another movie? somebody let me know, please) to be much more interesting to watch than the main presentation. I don’t know if that is a plus or a minus for the DVD nor am I sure if there is something to be said about a special feature that gets more kudos than the main menu item that we bought (or rented or streamed, whatever) the DVD for in the first place.
Michelle Williams stars in “Land of Plenty” and aside from reading something somewhere that referenced this film, she was the only reason I wanted to check it out. Big mistake -- not because of Williams per se, but because this movie is not very entertaining. Hell, it isn’t even interesting enough to make me want to champion it or recommend it to anyone.
I started playing “Nights and Weekends” and then after not even a few minutes of watching this movie, I turned it off. Enough said.
There are a few more boring movies that I would mention in this post -- if I wasn’t tired of being in front of a computer you know, kind of like how I became tired of watching the films listed here. Ha!
What movies have YOU found yourself falling asleep on?
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, blog+meme, movie+meme, smurfin+the+web, smurfdok+movie+meme, madlab+post+movie+meme, movie+blog+meme, movie+blog, boring+movies, snorefest+movies
Reader Comments (3)
Some good (or not) ones there lol." rel="nofollow">Here are my choices
Here’s my" rel="nofollow">Movie Mondays post for this week. :)
Never saw most of your choices, but I did see Amistad in the theater and even took my wife and daughters. I can't speak for them, but I found it to be pretty engaging.
Another movie that I saw in the theater, but couldn't stay awake for was the George Clooney version of Solaris. I always have to laugh when I think about this because my wife and I both fell asleep and woke up at the end of the movie. At least I think we fell asleep. I joke and say, "I'm not sure if we saw the movie or just dreamed that we saw the movie."
All I know is that is was a very slow film and I found it to be very boring. I couldn't tell you what it was about so I assume that we actually slept through much of it.
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