Kesha’s Crisis: The Movie Theater Popcorn and Candy Combo

‘The Taking of April A-Z’ is in full swing, as a group of vinyl hijackers (known as the Popcorn Snobs) have taken over this blog for the next 24 days. Strap yourself in and sit tight. It’s going to be a wild ride!
Hi everyone my name is Kesha West and I’m an alcoholic. Just kidding. Well, about the alcoholism, that is. I do have an addiction….to junk food. So it’s no surprise that going to the movies is a huge treat for me. The popcorn. The hot dogs. The nachos. The ice cream and all those other sweets. I can never get enough of them!
It’s become so bad that you could probably build a small chain of cinemas with the amount of money I’ve spent at the concessions counter. I knew something had to be done about my eating and spending habits when my boyfriend gave me an ultimatum – either skip the snacks altogether or we would have to share one order of popcorn. Sure, these options sound easy enough but they’re impossible for a junk food junkie like me to follow when you consider the following factors:
1. There’s no way in hell I’m giving up snacks! I mean, the whole point of going to the movie theater is munching on all of the yummy fare available on the menu. Watching the movie is just icing on the cake! (see what I did there? ;))
2. He likes his popcorn served without butter. That’s a deal breaker for me and my taste buds! Not only do I like my popcorn topped with butter, I need a sweet and salty mix of popcorn and candy. Specifically peanut M&Ms, which makes me classy, fun and in tune with the universe (at least, by Huffington Post’s standards). The combination of buttery popcorn, chocolate, candy coatings and peanuts hits the spot. Every. Single. Time.
So, I found a solution that would suit the needs of our budget without having to sacrifice my cravings for sweet and salty goodness. I buy candy in advance at retail price which is between $0.79-$0.99 compared to $4, give or take, at the theater. I later sneak the candy into the cinema, buy some popcorn, and then mix it together while the previews are playing. The boyfriend and I save money on snacks, the movie theater still makes a profit from the popcorn sales and I still get to have my combo and eat it too. Everybody wins.
Are there any other solutions that YOU would recommend to address this popcorn and candy crisis?
What is YOU favorite junk food item?
Kesha West is a popcorn snob trying to figure out why experimental films are so underrated. She enjoys DIY projects, trick-or-treating, and hanging out with friends.
Reader Comments (3)
Kesha has it right! No way should she give up her snacks at the movie theater. I wouldn't. And the sneaking the candy in: I do it all the time!
Michele at Angels Bark
It's a good thing that Kesha has found people who aren't judgmental about her snacking habits. Ha! As for myself, I've also ended up sneaking candy into the theater....just not intentionally. Since I tend to have snacks of some kind already laying around in my bag, in the event that I decide to go see a movie, they're already there, so I figure I might as well eat it. Thanks for returning to read this blog post and for sharing your comment on the topic of snacking at the movies :)
Husband needs popcorn. I need M&M's.
We're simple folk.