Nate Goes to the Movies Barefoot

A small group of vinyl popcorn snobs have hijacked this blog for the next 25 days. As our plot to ‘The Taking of April A-Z’ thickens, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
Hey dudes (and dudettes), it’s Nate M. Stevens here. Today I have a confession to make. I’ve never visited a movie theater. Ever. That is, until my recent trip to see Deadpool, Marvel Comics’ Sci-Fi/Fantasy flick about a superhero who wants revenge on the douchebag that subjected him to a rogue experiment with horrific side effects.
It’s not that I don’t like watching movies, I just usually wait until they’re released on DVD because I have a problem with “no shirt, no shoes, no service” policies; which tends to get me kicked out of a lot of public places including restaurants and retail stores. You see, I don’t like wearing shoes…or socks, for that matter.
I understand that footwear is important for most people….but….I grew up on the beach with everything I need in walking distance. I don’t even own a pair of shoes and on the occasion that I do wear them, they’re usually flip-flops I borrowed from strangers. So I’m sure you can understand how this lifestyle would prevent me from being able to enjoy one of the world’s most common activities….spending a night out at the movie theater. Still, I’ve been itching to find out if Deadpool is as good as everyone says, so I went to a showing and hoped for the best.
Buying a movie ticket went smoothly. I’m guessing the staff at the box office was either distracted with tending to other patrons or they just noticed me wearing a shirt and automatically assumed I had on shoes to match that. Suckers!
I made some friends at the concession stand. One of them was a cute gal named Ricarah Williams. I became nervous when she told me that their theater does have a “no shirt, no shoes, no service” policy and customers who aren’t wearing shoes probably wouldn’t be able to see a movie there. So, I told her I bought a ticket and I already washed my feet that morning; at least they don’t smell funky. Now, that would be a cardinal sin!
I also promised to not put my feet up on the seats in front of me; I heard that’s one of the crazy things people do at theaters (according to Zoe).
Ricarah said doing so is rude because "people don’t want your feet on their heads." She’s been to the movies with a friend rested their feet on the seats but it wasn’t crowded. Since they were wearing shoes, I decided to listen to her advice and keep my toes planted firmly on the floor at all times.
A cool dude named Chris Rountree tried to hook me up with his sister but I already have a girlfriend and, unbfortunately, she isn't about that polyamorous life! When I mentioned my promise to Ricarah, Chis told me that people putting their feet up on the seats doesn’t bother him. “Its fine, depending on how crowded it is in [the theater],” he says.
Chris even does it but he keeps his shoes on.
While he’s also witnessed both men and women putting their feet up on the seats, sometimes wearing shoes “here and there,” this movie snack expert said it's normally men who do it.
I figured it would be best to not try my luck since I didn’t have any shoes with me.
In the end, I was able to see Deadpool starring Ryan Reynolds, who did a great job in his role as this vengeful and comedic superhero. While I can’t pinpoint what made this visit go smoothly without any incidents, I do wonder if my theater friends put in a good word for me or just decided to let me off with a warning. I kept my word and didn’t put my feet up on the seats, which would have brought additional, and unwanted, attention to the fact that I wasn’t wearing shoes.
How often do YOU notice people resting their feet on the seats at movie theaters?
Are there any unspoken rules YOU like to adhere to when it comes to feet and public places?
Nate M. Stevens is a microwave popcorn snob that wants to know what’s so special about Blu-Ray discs. He likes tattoos, pool parties, surfing, and bonus features.
Reader Comments (7)
I have tp say I can't imagine myself going barefoot to a theatre. I'm thinking: gum, spilled sticky stuff and popcorn kernels that will poke in between my toes. Euuu! No thanks.
Loving this theme. So. Stinkin'. Fun!
Ricarah and Chris gave Nate some great advice. I've also noticed that people put their feet up on the seats in front of them. I personally find it rude but when it's crowded, it is seriously rude if someone is sitting there lol!
I love going to the theater to watch movies! And I do put my feet up on the seat in front of me --- BUT only if no one is sitting there. It's just more comfortable that way!
Love the pictures!
Michele at Angels Bark
This post was too funny, one of the best I read so far. I never heard about a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy before. I mean maybe I'm not paying that much of attention because I'm always wearing shoes when I go out. It has always been cold in winter wherever I lived, people without shoes are pretty rare unless we're on the beach in Summer of course, or in the garden. As a kid I use to live in a place with so many rocks that you'll get cut if you try no shoes.
I went to the movie theater a lot and I never notice anyone with their feet up. Maybe it's a cultural difference, I don't know. What I notice was the amount of food on the floor in the UK after each movie, that was incredible. I never saw that in any other country, cultural difference again.
As for the feet rule in public place, I'll go about it as I go with most other stuff: "In Roma, do like the Romans." It works. It's also super easy with food habits when you need to pic a restaurant in a foreign country as a group.
Happy AtoZ
Putting your feet up on most furniture that isn't yours, unless its specifically made for feet, is pretty much just rude anywhere.
I love that the people who worked there had their photos taken with him!
Heather M. Gardner / @hmgardner
Co-Host, Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
C. Lee McKenzie,
Sticky floors in the theater is an important factor to consider with regards to watching movies barefoot. The thought of gum, etc. on my toes is nauseating. Good thing you pointed these things out. Thank you for commenting on this blog post! :)
Love that you love it and come back for more because there's no party like a popcorn party, 'cause a popcorn party doesn't stop ;)
I agree it is rude and I've noticed people doing it too. Usually no one is sitting in the seat in front of them and in those cases, the act doesn't bother me as much. I think Chris makes a good point about it not being as bothersome if the theater isn't long as people keep their shoes on. Ha! Thanks for chiming in on the topic.
Michele Truhlik,
I'm with you in that going to the theater to watch movies is a very fun activity. How comfortable it is tends to vary due to the unpredictable nature of the crowds but year I'd say since you do put your feet up when you're there, it's great that you only do it when no one is sitting in the seat. That would surely be awkward and among the naughtiest of movie-goer behaviors, lol. Thank you for visiting and commenting on this piece.
It's easy to not notice the "no shirt," etc. policy here in the states, as some businesses don't advertise them much but I can understand it not being prevalent in other places around the world. If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably put in place due to drunk people or crazed lunatics drawing unwanted attention to businesses (restaurants, etc.). It's interesting how movie-going culture differs between countries. I'm surprised to learn that the floors get littered with so much food in the UK.
I haven't traveled much but my guess is that your rule of thumb about doing as the Romans do makes life much easier when visiting new places and adapting to local customs. I'm with you on applying it to food habits when it comes to choosing a restaurant. I mean, if the locals aren't even eating there, then that's a good sign to skip that place, lol. Thanks a bunch for commenting on this blog post about feet and movie theaters! I have to say, yours is one of the best comments I've received this month so far on my blog. Cheers to you! :)
You'd think that most people would know it's best to keep their feet to themselves when furniture is concerned, right?! On the occasion that I do put my feet up in theaters, it's on the bar/pipe-like thingys that separate some of the rows, and I know even doing this may be questionable but sometimes a girl's gotta stretch her legs out, lol. The workers at the theater were very cooperative and I appreciate them for being a part of this series. Speaking of appreciation....thanks for returning to my blog and commenting on this year's A-Z post for Letter B!