Countdown to Couch Fest #4 - Quebec’s own Martin Thibaudeau Conquers Prudes, Extreme Sports in 48-hour Film #2012CFF #indiefilm

Seattle, WA is shaping up to be among the busiest of Couch Fest 2012 locations -- prepped and ready to showcase everything this film festival has to offer. One of the things that I like about Seattle’s lineups are the fact that there are multiple showtimes at each location.
l-r 'Parachute' director Martin Thibaudeau, cinematographer François Gamache, actor Louis Tremblay and actress Christine Beaulieu.
So, those of you who are in the area can really pack in most, if not all, of the short films by traveling from one house to another. Of all the shorts playing in Seattle, I highly recommend watching ‘Parachute,’ a movie Couch Fest describes as being about a couple that discovers a particular parachuting club where you probably won't die.
I recently spoke with Canadian filmmaker Martin Thibaudeau who wrote, directed and produced this six-minute comedy -- in France.
Thanks to Thibaudeau, I found another example of how good movies CAN be made in less than 48 hours and why it serves the human race well to get out of our comfort zone, for that is where adventure rests.
Madlab Post: Is this movie more about facing fears in general, or is it about the vulnerability that couples face when trying to salvage something that they could possibly lose?
Martin Thibaudeau: I hope people will interpret the film in their own way, but in my mind, it's about prudence versus temerity, comfort versus adventure. Two ways of life, two qualities that oppose themselves in our minds all the time. How do they affect our relationships? What effects do they have on our happiness, on our survival?! Which is better?
It's also about bad customer service ;-)
Have you ever been in a parachute?
I've never done parachuting. I'd like to try it but it's not on top of my priority list. There is something trendy about these extreme sports, isn't there?
'Parachute' director Martin ThibaudeauCan you tell me something that I don't know about the making of this film?
It was shot in the Trouville, France Short film festival by a French and Quebec (Canada) volunteer cast and crew -- in one day and screened in front of the festival audience 48 hours later. The young French actress [Kenza Laala] playing the parachute company reception girl was doing her debut in this film. It was her first shoot. Not bad eh!
What is more valuable to human beings -- security & peace of mind or adventure?
I personally identify more with adventure but I also indulge in some security and peace of mind. We all need both. It's a question of dosage.
PARACHUTE is playing on Saturday, November 10th at the 2012 Couch Fest Film Festival. Check the Couch Fest website’s “Attend” section to find showtimes in your area.
What is the most adventurous activity that YOU have ever participated in?
This post is a continuation of my Countdown to Couchfest campaign -- a selection of brief, yet, randomly outrageous and sometimes insightful interviews that I conducted with many of the directors behind the films playing at this year's Couch Fest lineup and will be publishing semi-daily between the regularly scheduled Monday Movie Meme and King Dong programs until Saturday, November 10, 2012!
Reader Comments (1)
Nowadays, I lean more towards security and peace of mind. Probably the maternal need to care for my kiddo outweighing any sort of craziness I would have tended toward when I was younger.
I did, however, drop all things at the drop of a hat and drive across half the country as a favor for a friend. That was definitely an adventure lol!!