Monday Movie Meme: Cue the Doctor!

I have encountered an unexpected health situation and am on my way to a medical facility but did not want to abandon the Monday Movie Meme, so this week’s theme is pretty straightforward: Cue the Doctor!
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring exam room or operating room scenes. These include scenes that take place during an actual hospital visit, medical procedure, preparation for one or some type of health related checkup. Here are my selections for this week’s Cue the Doctor! theme.
Horrible Bosses
Jennifer Aniston plays a female dentist sexually who harrasses her male assistant while she’s working on sedated patients.
Desperate Measures
Michael Keaton plays a murderer serving life in prison, who gets up off of the operating table and attacks his doctors before they can complete a bone marrow transplant.
What movies have YOU watched that feature scenes in an exam room?
*I'll hadd the Monday Movie Meme pic later if I get the chance.
Reader Comments (2)
Oh, here's another opportunity to plug the greatest movie ever made!
-Fight Club: "I fell down some stairs..."
-The Game: Michael Douglas getting a health exam before The Game begins
-Where The Buffalo Roam: Bill Murray barricades himself a hospital room
-Forrest Gump: Forrest in the hospital after getting shot "in the butt-ox"
-Taken: Liam Neeson in the hospital after taking a dive in a car
Okay, this is a bit of an odd mix of movies. Your topic was too fun not to have fun with! :-)
My favorite: Little Shop of Horrors - Steve Martin, the sadistic dentist and Bill Murray, the masochistic patient. Epic!