Movie Characters in Need of Manufacturer Warranties #atthemovies #movierentals

Cheers to another Monday on the Monday Movie Meme tour. It's my turn to host again while Dale at Smurfin the Web gets ready for next week. This week's topic is BUYER'S REMORSE. Share on your blog movies featuring characters who purchased an item that later turned out to be more hassle than a great buy.
The purchased items in quetion in movies like this affect the characters lives in one way or another. These goods have usually become either annoying, tough to maintain, dangerous to the buyer or at the very least, cost the owners way more in the long run than what they initially paid to get it. Here are my movie selections for this week's Buyer's Remorse meme.
Child's Play
The parents in this film got more than they bargained for when their son's birthday gift turns out to be a little devious killing machine. Just like Andy did at first, many kids in real life would likely find it strange that their toys' can talk without batteries but may not take it too seriously because they find it a little cool at first. The Good Guy Doll, however, uses a pretty vulgar vocabulary that extends well beyond what's on the manufacturer's label.
It's not too far fetched to consider Child's Play to be among the classic horror movies because it's scary, doesn't rely on special effects as much as some modern day horror movies have and uses an everyday item (the Toy) as it's main subject instead of a fictitious monster or masked character, so I do place it among classics.
Jodie Foster and Forrest Whitaker stars in this suspense thriller where one of the biggest selling points that convinced a rich married couple to buy a new house becomes the very thing that the mother depends on to protect her and an ill daughter from a group of robbers who seem to become more dangerous by the minute.
The Amityville Horror (keep in mind that I only watched the 2005 version, so if the other ones differ in story, I have yet to notice)
A Brady Bunch-like couple's dream house turns out to be less than desirable when haunted forces on the property make their lives a living hell. I guess no one told these home buyers to consider that a mass-murder of the previous residents may more important than saving a buck on the low-low price before playing Deal or No Deal with the agent offer on this little house of horrors.
I don't know about any of you but I think the main characters in these movies may want to check out the seller's return policy!
Stay tuned for some tidbits from my travels and visit to the 15th Annual Urbanworld Film Festival, which screened some great short and feature length films this year.
What movies would YOU add to this list on Buyer's Remorse?
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, movie+meme, the+bumbles+meme, the+bumbles+movie+meme, smurfin+the+web, smurfdok+blog, movie+meme+tour, blog+meme+tour, monday+movie+meme+tour, buyers+remorse+blog+meme, childs+play+movie, panic+room+movie
Reader Comments (3)
Here are my" rel="nofollow">CHOICES :)
Very interesting and unique picks; specifically Panic Room and The Amityville Horror (phew, Ryan Reynolds is looking mighty fine in it too ;)). My picks are" rel="nofollow">HERE.
No love for Panic Room? Shucks...
My picks would have to be House Of The Dead (what was I thinking?!) and Peter Jackson's King Kong. That bad boy spent the last ten seconds of its life in the microwave....