Disastrous Movie Plots #atthemovies #movierentals

It's another week on the Monday Movie Meme tour hosted by Dale at Smurfin' the Web and I. The current topic selected by Dale is "Natural Phenomena." Dale says, Rain or shine, there is always a movie about the weather or our planet that usually ends up in some kind of disaster or another. So, here is my pick for this week's Meme.
The turn of events that took place during "2012" appeared to serve as an example of how personal or social connections (or lack thereof) can determine how far people can get in life, especially in an emergency. If the main character didn't know that rich Russian man through his job, he and his family probably would have died or at least faced a lot more danger than they did while trying to survive global cataclysm.
This movie could be a nice reality check for those that have doubts about the possibilities of our world changing forever, the aspects of life that we sometimes take for granted and and the importance of knowing people in high and low (Woody Harrelson's character is hilarious and seems to be mor conscious of what's going on than those around him) places.
"2012" is the only film that I can think of at the moment after noticing that my prime choice was already listed by a fellow Monday Movie Meme participant. Now, either Hollywood needs to start making more natural disaster movies or I need to find and watch more of the films that were released to date.
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, the+bumbles+movie+meme, movie+meme+tour, smurfin+the+web, movie+meme, natural+disaster+movies, weather+movies, weather+disaster+movies, 2012+movie
Reader Comments (4)
I dig 2012. Actually, I dig just about every John Cusack vehicle out there.
Have you seen The Road? Man, that's a difficult film to get through.
I also have to give a shout out to Doomsday, Terminator Salvation (which gets better with each repeated viewing...strange), Red Dawn (Wolverines!), Legend and/or The Omega Man, Soylent Green, and The Book Of Eli.
So many great TEOTWAWKI flicks, so little time!
I loved 2012. Sure it was ridiculous, but such fun. If Disneyland had a disaster ride, this movie is what it would be like. Disaster movies are one of my favorite film genres. I've enjoyed all the meteor crash and earthquake films. Volcano and Twister were both a lot of fun and don't forget The Day After Tomorrow. Great visual stuff in these films that one would hope to never experience in real life.
http://tossingitout.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">Tossing It Out
Don't forget Dante's Peak or Volcano! Also Knowing with Nicholas Cage. I need to get back to blogging with this theme soon. But I thought I'd shout out my picks anyway! Thanks for taking up the torch while Molly's on leave for a bit!
Nice choice, not one of my favourite films and a little TOO far fetched for my liking. John Cusack who has had a "few hours" as a pilot can suddenly fly one like a full time fighter pilot. Looking forward to next week's meme :)