A First Favorite Short Film and Related Loves #amblogging #blogfest

I now interrupt our regularly scheduled Monday Movie Meme* (see the bottom of this post for details) program for the following event...
Today, Captain Ninja Alex is hosting the First Loves Blogfest. Participants post their first loves - first movie, first/song/band, first book and first person. Here are mine..
My First Movie: “The Red Balloon” is my first favorite short film. I think I saw it when I was in school, maybe. I don’t quite remember. I do know that it is one of many short films that I would watch again.
My First Rock Song: “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. Although my mother introduced me to The Beatles and Bon Jovi when I was a kid, I didn’t take a liking to their music because I was preoccupied with Michael Jackson as well as R&B and rap tunes that they played on the radio -- specifically the Power 99FM radio station.
My First Rock Band: No Doubt is my first favorite rock band. Although I’ve probably heard their songs on the radio prior to attending college, I didn’t pay much attention to this group until the “Hey Baby” song was released. A few fellow classmates played the tune during one of our assignments for a summer program, and I was hooked on it ever since. The track piqued my interest in No Doubt and I’ve been a fan of their music ever since. “Hey Baby,” however, is not my favorite No Doubt song, at least not anymore.
My First Book: After searching around for the author, product listings and the name of one of my first favorite childhood books, I came up empty. All I know is it’s red with black letters on the cover that spell out the main character’s name, which is Darlene or Danielle or something of the sort. Therefore, I’ll move on to my first favorite novel, which is “Jack” by A.M. Holmes. I read “Jack” when I was in high school and it’s the only book that I enjoyed reading, as far as fiction is concerned.
My First Person: Johnathan Taylor Thomas is the first actor that I remember (at the time of this writing) having a crush on. I used to enjoy watching episodes of the ABC comedy “Home Improvement” starring Tim Allen, because it was a funny show. Thomas’ presence, however, made me look forward to those prime-time airings of Home Improvement even more.
Crushing on Johnathan Taylor Thomas is also the main reason I watched the action/adventure film “Wild America,” about three brothers who travel across the country to get rare footage of a bear cave. “Wild America” is based on the true life story of Martin “Marty” Stouffer and his brothers Mark and Marshall Stouffer.
Marty Stouffer produced and directed the PBS animal documentary TV show called “Wild America” that aired in the early 90s. He and his brothers have produced many award-winning documentaries about endangered species. Today, I find it ironic that when this movie came out, I was a high school student with expectations of my future being centered on fine arts, yet, I eventually took a different route after graduation -- filmmaking -- go figure!
*Tune in next week for a new installment of the Monday Movie Meme, as it takes a break this week.