Flying High on Fame (Plus a Monday Movie Meme) #atozchallenge #IndieFilm

Actress Amy Smart at World Premiere of TYLER PERRY´S ´The Single Moms Club´ presented by Lionsgate in Los Angeles.There are two reasons why I believe someone would make a movie to aid in their pursuit of fame; because he (or she) either craves attention or wants to feel important. Both of those objectives might apply in some instances, depending on the person. Having come across some famous people and observed what they go through, I don’t understand why anyone would want to make movies just to be in their shoes.
People are yelling at you, shoving cameras and microphones in your face and shining bright lights in your direction – what person in his or her right mind would actively pursue the hardships of life as an independent filmmaker, just to have such an experience?! That’s not to say I think there’s something wrong with wanting those things; to each, his own. I just believe film is not the best way to go about getting noticed or feeling like you matter – for many reasons but let’s just start with the basics.
1. Making films to quench one’s thirst for attention is a costly endeavor. It's cheaper to buy a luxury vehicle, become a mascot for a sports team or radio jockey. Better yet, get a tattoo -- that will bring attention real quick!
2. Making films because you want to feel important requires more effort than necessary for something that can be achieved through simpler means. Being in magazines, riding in limousines, walking red carpets and having your name up on the big screen are not the only ways you can feel important. Plus, this gets old really quickly and people aren't going to want to be around you -- except for maybe those who are also seeking a feeling of importance themselves; then it becomes a competition that creates conflict over whose interests are more important than the next man's/woman's. That’s an annoying cycle to be wrapped up in.
Tinseltown is fancy and we all become giddy over shiny things – I get it. However, we need not concern ourselves with these things if the work is are our priority. Once upon a time, a newspaper columnist did a write-up on one of my projects and I was not only flattered but also proud to have some legitimate press that could help bring attention to my work. On another occasion, I also appeared as a guest on a radio show when I was in high school and am currently making plans to be on a local NY-based television show, to promote ABYSS: THE GREATEST PROPOSAL EVER. Yet, I have no interest in ever becoming a household name. Save that for the birds!
Given that today is Monday, share on your blog or in the comments section, the first movies that come to YOUR mind when you think of the word FAME or the concept of someone trying to be FAMOUS. Here is my one selection for this week’s meme….since it’s theme song (by Irene Cara) was stuck in my head while writing this post:
Fame (Circa 1980)
Can YOU have success without fame?
Is fame an unavoidable side effect of a career in the arts?
Also, read yesterday's post about Entertaining the Idea of Giving it EVERYTHING You've Got if you missed it!
*Photo of Amy Smart at Premiere by Eric Charbonneau/Invision. Courtesy of Lionsgate/AP Images