Hey Academy, how about an Oscar for 'Earned It' by The Weeknd?

Dear voting members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
Knowing the 88th annual Academy Awards are a few days away, I'm writing to encourage your recognition of one of the most acclaimed musical compositions on the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack -- "Earned It," performed by Abel Tesfaye (aka The Weeknd) -- as Best Original Song.
The tune excels at seducing listeners into believing our needs and desires will be met in ways that can only be fully understood through the experience of surrendering to an outside force. It is spellbinding in the same way that Fifty Shades of Grey portrays it's protagonist Anastasia Steele as innocent and unsuspecting prey that gets wrapped up in Christian Grey's web of mind games, control and eroticism. "Earned It" is a force that pulls at us like the ropes that bind actress Dakota Johnson's body in the music video, also helmed by Fifty Shades of Grey director Sam Taylor-Johnson.
Tom Mackay, Executive Vice President of A&R at Republic Records describes working with The Weeknd as an unbelievable experience; in a collaboration with Universal Pictures that resulted in the singer's first Top 5 single of his career, on the Billboard music charts. Written by Tesfaye, Ahmad Balshe, Jason Quenneville and Stephan Moccio, "Earned It" is also the only song that appears in the Fifty Shades of Grey twice. In addition to the singer winning his first Grammy award for this tune, in the category of Best R&B Performance, The Weekend also scored a Best Song Written for Visual Media nomination for "Earned It."
Universial Pictures, music buyers that crowned Fifty Shades of Grey with the highest selling multi-act compilation soundtrack since Get Rich or Die Tryin (2005) and the largest debut for a soundtrack since Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009), and The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences recognize that this is more than a hot tune.
It just works....on all levels, and for the right reasons. Period.
The track's arrangement, led by Abel Tesfaye's performance, lends itself to the hynotizing nature of the film it was made for and is as magical as any Best Original Song can get.
Wouldn't YOU agree that 'Earned It' by The Weeknd deserves an Oscar?
Reader Comments (2)
Not generally a fun of Weekend's music, but I thought Ellie Goulding's LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO was millions times better than that crap from Rita (WH)Ora :) that got nominated last year from the same movie.
Aww now let's be nice to Rita ok :) I didn't know she had a song nominated for this movie and am unfamiliar with her and Ellie Goulding but read a some buzz about "Love Me Like You Do" and it's popularity in the music industry. I do understand the appeal of her song and it's catchy. While it's definitely a more feel-good tune, I still side with the Weeknd's "Earned It," as it has a more passionate tone that correlates to the intoxicating nature of the FIFTY SHADES OF GREY universe. Goulding's song is SFW while the Weeknd's song may be considered NSFW...especially the music video. One is best played during the day while the other may be more appropriate only at night. Haha!