Enjoy these Extras from My A to Z Co-Host Intro!

So far this month we’ve discussed real life superheroes, depression, child abuse and some foolish behaviors douchebags at the movie theater. Today’s post is all about the bonus material from my A to Z Challenge Co-Host Introductions including the Fifty Shades of Nicole piece I wrote for the A-Z Blog in March.
Do you like to watch special features usually seen on movie DVDs, such as outtakes, trailers and the like? Well, E is for Extras, as I present to you six videos of extra content where I tell you some random things about me, based on prompts from men and women who served as assets in my Mighty Minion Bureau.
The topics in these videos range from blog design, Harry Potter hauntings, drug dealers and British films to how I financed my movie. Plus we’re just getting started; more will be added to this playlist in the coming weeks. Enjoy!
*If the video player isn't showing up in your browser, Click Here to Watch my playlist directly on YouTube.
All this talk about Extras has me thinking of the toys, etc. that come with kids meals at McDonalds. I wonder why nothing usually comes with the meals for adults! So answer me this…
Would YOU be more likely to buy a value meal/combo at Chipotle, Subway, Burger King, etc. if it came with a DVD movie?
Reader Comments (12)
Thank you for sharing your extras :)
No, I wouldn't buy a meal to get the toy that comes with it but we are planning on chipotle tomorrow.
I love DVD extras. In fact, I won't buy a DVD unless it has special features. The yardwork sound isn't too distracting. My favorite part of these clips is describing how you financed your short film: "The foundation of my back pocket." LOL
Extras are nice when you're buying anything. I guess it's human nature to appreciate that little bonus you didn't expect.
The toy for adults in their MacDonald's meal is brilliant. After all, we're dishing out all the cash for their junk-lunch...a toy would at least make a smile a little...
that is an interesting question.. I am not a fan of fast food, okay not all fast foods, maybe a movie that comes with a free taco...
I'd actually be less inclined to get a meal from a restaurant offering a free movie with the meal. It would probably be one I didn't want to see, and I'd be stuck with it. Of course, I could always say, "no thank you" and really blow their minds...
I rarely eat at fast food restaurants, but when I do it would have to be something pretty awesome to get me to buy something that I had not plan to buy. I don't fall for stuff like that too easily. :D
The "Gift with Purchase" concept was created by Estee Lauder (the person) to help sell her cosmetic lines and they still use it today because it is so effective. Getting something free by purchasing something is a great marketing tool and yes, I admit to being susceptible to its lure. However, if I don't want the free thing, I'm not going to be induced to buy something just because it comes with a "free gift".
I have to watch the DVD extras, they often contain some of the funniest and juiciest tidbits. I won't purchase a DVD, either, if it doesn't contain the special features, interviews, cut scenes, extras etc. As for toys and fast food. I prefer to skip it all.
I don't think I'd buy a value meal purely to get a DVD free, but I think it could be a good incentive.
I love watching deleted scenes and bloopers... specially Harry Potter :)