Viktor the Vampire: What Bill Nighy said about Filming Underworld

Starring in a movie as the toughest Vampire elder around sounds like lots of fun. That’s if you can bear the strenuous process of getting into character. Actor Bill Nighy, who plays Viktor in the Underworld series, told BBC that the makeup department spent six hours doing “medieval, terrible things” to make him look like he’s been sleeping for centuries. After contact lenses were added and fangs fitted, nobody on the set would eat lunch with Nighy. Later at Comic-Con, this genre film lover doubted whether he would’ve ever taken the Viktor role if he knew about the prosthetics involved.
Given the physical demands of some movie roles, do YOU consider acting to be a sport?
*If you are visiting from the A-to-Z Challenge, my blog post for Letter W will be posted later today.
Reader Comments (2)
It's like a sport only in that it's a job. Many occupations require physical labor and discomfort from animal handling, building, landscaping and even things like warehouse work. And those people aren't getting paid near as well.
Bill Nye can do no wrong on the screen. I'll watch anything he performs in. This was a new side to him.