15 Insane Misconceptions about Indie Films

Director Mo Ali on the set of his action crime film MONTANAI’d be willing to bet the festival submission fees spent on my film last month that most people have misunderstandings about how the movie industry works. Yet it still never ceases to surprise me when meeting someone whose idea of what constitutes “independent film” goes no further than Sundance or flicks like The Blair Witch Project.
Even hardcore movie fans across the board have the motion picture industry pegged all wrong, according to insiders who set out to debunk a lot of myths floating around in your heads, and into your conversations, like wildfire.
In You're Wrong: 10 Common Movie Blog Reader Misconceptions, Cinemablend’s Josh Tyler and Vanity Fair’s Katey Rich goes on to clear up the ins and outs of how things happen in Hollywood. One of the “straight truths” from these veteran film reviewers is that no matter what movie goers and crabby filmmakers want to believe, box office results do matter; the money made at theaters affects what you’ll be watching in the future.
In Debunking 5 Myths of Independent Cinema, Raindance’s Elliot Grove points out how marketing budgets are huge factors in determining what movies get on your radar as are social media know-how, yet neither of these things indicate whether the film is good or not.
I is for Indie
Are there any aspects of the movie industry that YOU think are absolutely insane?
Reader Comments (4)
Films made that millions are thrown at, then the little indie films... that are ten times better then them. Blockbusters sometimes have the wrong motivation as an indie film.... indie films in my eyes is someone thought enough to make it, then throw in blood, sweat and tears to get ten people to see it... I am not taking about gory horror films, but really good scripts, people and heartfelt expression... sorry I think this is a half thought, I will add more later.
I wish there were better movies for women, especially women older than 40. The movie industry is stuck on appealing to young males. Indie films fare better overall, I think, but it would be nice to see more women like me on the big screen. I think we get more interesting as we get older.
We have an Indie film festival here every year, and I love seeing what creative people around the world have come up with. I will say that one of most disturbing films I ever saw came out of Iran. It still gives me the sudders.
The lack of talent and the outrageous salaries some of the people receive. I see a movie and often I think any actor or actress could fill this role.