Podcasting with the LAMBs – A Haunted House Ruled by Crazy Slumlords Who Feed Body Parts to their Dog

The latest episode of LAMBcast features a special horror themed edition revolving around 90s cult favorite The People Under the Stairs, starring Brandon Adams, Ving Rhames, Everett McGill, Wendy Robie and A.J. Langer.
Wendy Robie stars in 90s horror film "The People Under the Stairs."Championed by Kristen Lopez of Journeys in Classic Film, it received the most votes among all 15 horror films on the poll for our October Movie of the Month (MOTM), granting it a spotlight on the LAMBcast. As a guest on this iTunes podcast, I joined Jay Cluitt from Life vs. Film, Bubbawheat of Flights, Tights and Movie Nights, Zoë Rose Smith from The Film Fetishist and Lopez to evaluate whether The People Under the Stairs is worth its MOTM victory or not.
For those of you who haven’t watched the movie, it’s about a boy named Fool who on his 13th birthday, conspires with an older acquaintance to burglarize the home of the landlords evicting them. Desperate to save his family from being put out on the street and prevent his mother from dying of cancer, Fool encounters more trouble than he expected. On LAMBcast episode #291, we discuss the film’s dialogue, costume design and performances including that of Ving Rhames. Subjects such as horror comedy, child abuse, pedophilia and underlying messages of racism are also brought up during the conversation.
Listen to find out the ultimate ingredient needed in order for a remake of this horror flick to work and why Lopez compares The People Under the Stairs to Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing on some levels.
When was the last time YOU visited a Haunted House?
Who is YOUR favorite movie character from The People Under the Stairs?
How did YOU celebrate YOUR 13th birthday?
*The LAMBcast show can be found on iTunes - just do a search for "LAMBcast." The LAMBcast loves feedback too, so if you'd like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Finally, we would still love a review of this podcast on iTunes, even if it's a bad one. Thanks for listening!
Reader Comments (1)
I visited a haunted house a few years ago. I've never seen this movie, I don't think, sorry. My 13th birthday, I don't know, I think it was basically an ordinary day. I really don't recall anything special about it.