5 of the Zaniest Things About Making Movies #atozchallenge

Anyone who’s made a few films by now has lots of funny, astonishing and/or horrific stories that are, for the most part, all in a day’s work. The fact that actors, directors and crew members who make movies have experiences in their line of work that would be abnormal and downright absurd in other industries, is what I find to be kinda interesting.
- Your job interview is for a role position that requires you to either be an active smoker or be willing to smoke. In other words, you are not only expected to smoke on the job, but the company will provide the necessary materials to help you do so.
- Local officials give you permission to close off an entire city street just to record people dancing to Michael Jackson’s “THRILLER.”
- No one calls the cops when you follow a masked man holding an axe who chases another man around a (different) city street.
- Business casual is still overdressed, since the very nature of your working environment allows for attire that is both comfortable, durable – and hopefully – can be put to multiple uses.
- It is highly possible that you will, at some point, break one or several laws (knowingly or unknowingly) on any given workday during the lifespan of the project you’re working on.
What are some of the Zaniest things about YOUR field or profession that might not occur in other industries?
Reader Comments (11)
i've enjoyed your movie making perspective in the challenge! way to finish strong =)
this post was so funny, never really thought about how zany the film industry is, so outside the norm! but that's what makes movies so awesome!
that waiting game post is true for writing too... i feel it!!
Interesting perspective on movie making. Sounds fun and exciting! Writing books is less zany except in the imagination!
Thanks for co-hosting A to Z.
I would enjoy the dress code. I am so tired of getting dressed up every day. Need to find a job where leggings and long tshirts is requirement. Congrats on another successful A to Z. Hope you had fun and your minions lived up to the hype. haha.
the ZANIEST thing i get to do at work is wear a tutu and a tiara. i would love to do that while dancing to michael jackson.
#2 made me laugh and #3 reminded me of me and my sisters trying to make our own movie when we were younger. One of my sisters had to run around the house and past a window with a knife. You know . . . for that scary shadow of a person passing by a window? haha
Thank you for all you did for this Challenge! :)
Congrats on finishing, and thanks for the work involved with a-z. I've tried to use cut and paste to add my url here as hyperlink, but maybe you have a setting that doesn't allow paste?
Continuing to blog a-z style throughout the month of May
I wish there were funky rules I had to follow where I'm employed. Unfortunately I'm forced to follow corporate culture and all the idiocy it entails. I'm just thankful that I don't have to wear a tie to work! :-)
HI Nicole, I'm just dropping by to thank you for all your hard work during the A to Z. I'll be back for a proper visit later.
Sounds like a fun challenge. Thanks for all you did for the A to Z Challenge this year!
Tara Tyler,
Yes "Abnormal" is pretty much the most accurately to describe making movies. I guess that's the price we pay for operating in imaginary worlds. The waiting that writers go through after submitting queries, etc. is enough to make someone want to pull his or her hair out. It's pure madness, I know. Ahh...the life of a creative! (P.S. I don't know what NTMY stands for...but...right back atcha...I guess??) Thanks for commenting :)
Mary Montague Sikes,
There is a lot of craziness in between those brief moments of fun and excitement; it's a turbulent road, yet, many folks keep returning to do it again, and again. Being zany where it counts is the point at which I think film can learn a lot from the writing world....keeping the madness within the work rather than running rampant during the process of creating a work.
Sydney Aaliyah,
We might need to swap careers for a day; I think I would enjoy getting dressed up on a (semi) daily basis. So long as I didn't have to wear the same ol' uniform everyday, I'd be good to go. Ha! Leggings are the best thing that happened to fashion. Thanks for joining me for yet another year of alphabet blogging :)
Pammy Pam,
A tutu and tiara is a cute work uniform, if you ask me! What's a day without a little dance and Michael Jackson?! You can't go wrong with that kinda combination in the workplace.
Chrys Fey,
Sounds like you and your siblings were quite the movie-making adventurers! Yes I know all about that "shadow" effect for creating suspense and whatnot. I'm glad to have been able to deliver some humor for your reading pleasure. Thanks for commenting with your thoughts and experiences on this Zany movie making topic! :)
Thanks for your congratulatory visit in support of the 2014 A-to-Z Challenge. If you typed your URL in the designated window where you wrote your comment, it shows up when clicking on your name once published. It's great that you'll be continuing to visit A-to-Z participants during May; I'm co-hosting the post-challenge Road Trip with Tina Downey and Heather M. Gardner to do the same for the rest of the year. You are welcome to signup for the road trip and participate with other bloggers.
There must be some tiny loopholes that allow you to get away with little stuff without risking being written up or given a warning. What's that you say about ties though?! -- I'm thinking that might just be the way to turn things up a notch. Wearing a Simpsons tie or one with bright colors might not only turn some heads...co-workers might be inspired to dye their hair or doing other unconventional things...all in good fun. You gotta bring the "funky" to the straight up-and-down inner workings of corporate culture. Take 'em to Funky Town. Ha! Now, you have me playing the 80s song in my head. I get the feeling that tonight's going to be a fun night ;)
Tom Benson,
Thanks for dropping by. I hope you enjoyed the blogs you've visited so far during A-to-Z Challenge.
Mary Aalgaard,
There are many fun aspects of the A-to-Z Challenge; I hope you were able to experience most, if not all of them. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi! Just wanted to stop by and thank you directly for co-hosting the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
By the way, I think person has to be zany to choose to be a freelance writer. That's what I am. :-)
Peace and Joy to ya,
The View from the Top of the Ladder