The Truth is, We’re Shooting for That Theatrical Treatment #atozchallenge #IndieFilm

A movie screening during the Tiradentes Film Festival in Brazil.After all of the long days spent on a set or location filming one’s latest work,
When you’ve spent months analyzing scene after scene, and then cutting frame by frame from a story that has been years in the making,
Just to bring a concept to life,
Following the moments full of stress, doubt and anxiousness about the constant limitations, closed doors and rejections met…
The lights go down and the screen lights up.
A group of strangers, friends, lovers, couples, neighbors and peers are engaged with the imagery and sounds moving along before them.
Some of them have been anxious to get a glimpse of what’s next while others are in the room out of sheer curiosity.
All of a sudden, people start laughing.
Or somebody in the room gasps.
Or somebody begins to cry in his or her seat.
Or somebody screams, out of shock.
It is the moment that makes this turbulent, uncertain and unpredictable path of independent filmmaking not seem so detrimental, in retrospect.
When your name or work is displayed on the marquee.
When that work has a showtime – or two, or three, or more -- playing at a theater near other living beings.
When these living beings respond to that work, in their shared experience of watching it presented on a larger scale – literally.
THAT is one of the most rewarding reasons to make movies!
Are YOU quiet or are YOU vocal while watching movies at theaters?
Reader Comments (4)
I am definitely a screamer
if scared,
laugh out loud if its funny
and a big crier for happy and sad.
It does amaze me how long it takes
for the writing to be done
and then the creating of
a film.
All of that work and in 2 hours
people either love it or they don't.
I'm not very vocal in the theater, but I talk a blue streak at home. Unless there's a rat. I'll gasp every time since I hate those horrible beasts.
What do you think ;-) I'm vocal, but I wouldn't dream of TALKING. I just let my natural responses come. Drives The Engineer nuts. We rarely have the budget for a theater movie these days, so there's a lot of pausing of the DVD and me talking which drives him even nuttier...I try not to, but one of the things I love about watching a movie is theorizing and analyzing and all that fun stuff. He likes to start it, watch it, stop it, and be done. No discussion. Bleh! Watching movies with OYT is great because he's just like me.
And this reminds me I never answered your road trip email, damn. Going to dig it up right now.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
Well said, Nicole.
And I'm a little vocal at the theater. It's silly and I know they can't hear me but yeah, I gasp, shriek and chastise them lol!!