Monday Movie Meme – A Thin Line between Love and Hate

The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is based my 2014 A-to-Z Challenge post on Letter L, about whether love is necessary to make great art. Given that it’s about love, I figure we might as well flip the script: A Thin Line between Love and Hate. Here are my selections for this week’s Monday Movie Meme.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring characters who hate their jobs.
On the Waterfront
Although this is the first movie that came to mind when I thought of this week’s theme, I wonder if it still counts; given that some workers don’t hate their job per se – they hate the union controlling their jobs.
There are some scenes in this movie involving a guy who works as a short-order cook (he’s on parole or something, right?) who can’t stand his job.
What movies have YOU seen that feature people who hate their jobs?
Be sure to read the previous A-to-Z Challenge discussion on Killing Your Babies! - A Lesson from Kevin Smith and check out today's post about What's Love Got to Do with It?!
Reader Comments (2)
Oh man, I could start this list off with Fight Club, but instead how's about:
-Wanted: Go ahead. Quit your job. Become an assassin.
-Office Space: Why earn your money when you could round off a few cents?
-Seven: Retiring detective has seen enough in his years
-Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this s**t"
-Repo Man: All Bud wants to do is start his own company
Wow....awesome topic this week! Made me smile :-)
At the moment, I am coming up blank on a movie where one of the characters hates their job. Oh yeah, I forgot about Lethal Weapon, as reminded by Herman Turnip. BTW, I love the whole series! Maybe it's just too early and I for sure haven't had my morning coffee, I better go put the brew on! Love the #a2zchallenge!