Kill Your Babies! A Lesson from Kevin Smith #atozchallenge #IndieFilm

"You can't make them sit there longer than they need to, otherwise, the magic starts to dissipate. It's about wanting more -- make the illusion happen! You can say what you want about the shit I've done -- all my shit is cut to the bone. I pride myself on that. I kill my babies -- that's how serious and committed to the cut that I am. It's like, fuck it, tell the story! Tell it tight, tell it sharp, get it in front of them. Hopefully it works but if it doesn't, it's not not gonna work this time because it was all flabby -- because I felt like being nan artist." - Kevin Smith
What was the last movie YOU saw that you thought was too long?
Are YOU good at trimming the fat and keeping the essentials when it comes to the work that you do?
Reader Comments (6)
After my first draft, I go through my MS and add, add, add. But, that's it. The rest of the editing process is all about cutting the fat. Getting down to the bare story. I'm not sure if I leave them wanting more, but I am conscious about not wasting my readers time.
I'm probably not the best one to ask. I grew up with movies that were so long they needed an intermission!
LuAnn Braley
AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
Back Porchervations
Damyanti had the same idea about today's post and I've got to admit, it's something I need to learn! I get too attached to characters, or even scenes sometimes so I stubbornly try to keep them even if I realise it doesn't work or if it takes the whole story into a different direction than I planned. Which, to be fair, is not always a bad thing! :)
Last movie that I saw that was too long was the first part of The Hobbit. I was so looking forward to it, but it kept cutting away to remind everyone about the Lord of The Rings and it made me hate the movie. Just give me The freaking Hobbit!
Loved what Kevin had to say! I have the opposite problem, tending towards short & sweet and having to add more to the scenes when editing a MS. I remembering watching Man of Steel thinking, damn--they could've cut that last fight scene in half, the destruction dragged on ad nauseam. I agree, a scene can lose its impact when stretched over too long a period.
Echoes of Olympus
A to Z #TeamDamyanti
Captain Philllips was a bit long maybe. But yes essential to kill them .. with WIP I'm having to do just this. Eek, very very hard!
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