You’ll never Leave Africa… – The Danny Archer Effect #atozchallenge

*Spoiler Alert: This post contains information that reveals important plot points in the film it references. If you have not yet watched the movie and plan to do so in the future, some of the following content might spoil the plot and your viewing experience. Read at your own risk.
In Honor of Letter A marking the first day of the A to Z Challenge, I would like to say a special thanks to Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out, for starting this blogathon. He makes it possible for thousands of bloggers from around the world to meet new people, build confidence in their writing, expand their knowledge and keep the fun in blogging. Thank You Arlee!
“You’ll never leave Africa” is what a ruthless military colonel says to a diamond and gun smuggler named Danny Archer in the dramatic thriller “Blood Diamond” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou and Jennifer Connelly. These discouraging words are delivered in such a matter-of-fact way that one would believe Archer doesn’t stand a chance. A combination of business savvy, determination, warfare survival skills and compassion are what leads him to a kind of promise land that is much more valuable than the destination he initially set out to reach. Although Danny Archer is a fictional character, we can learn a lot from him in regards to selflessness, creating a legacy and making our every breathing moment count no matter how much time we have left.
While in jail, Archer met a mine worker named Solomon who possessed a large diamond. So he manipulated Solomon’s interests in finding the miner’s kidnapped son (who has now become a child soldier), upon their release from jail, to get access to this diamond. Archer considered the diamond to be his ticket out of “this God forsaken country” we call Africa. Archer then met a journalist named Maddy who challenged his intentions, as lives were placed in danger – and even destroyed -- in the process of this man’s selfish quest to do whatever is necessary to retrieve the precious stone.
When Archer’s colleagues start acting shady and turn on him, he starts to realize that there are other people who deserve just as much (if not more) of a chance at a ticket to freedom, as he does. The dangerous mission to find Solomon’s hidden diamond also brings Archer in contact with people whom he never met before – yet suddenly became his new allies. Although a rare diamond turned Archer into a greedy monster at times, he used his very last moments to bring change to the brutal realities that Solomon – and people like him face in the wake of political tensions and war that ravish the very place they once called home.
Since the diamond never belonged to Archer in the first place, he paid a heavy and unimaginable price to obtain it, which goes to show that one person cannot rightfully find peace, happiness or riches through the fruits of another person’s labor – especially when these things are sought after in a self-absorbed manner. It is something that Archer may have realized when he chose to sacrifice himself -- and his dream of leaving Africa – for Solomon’s benefit. Solomon found peace, happiness, safety and riches through the fruits of Archer’s labor via connections with Maddy and a pilot who – in addition to the diamond – were Solomon’s “tickets” to a better place.
Archer and Solomon’s experiences are an example of how sometimes, the best way to get to where we want to go is by taking actions that work for the greater good of more people beyond our own reach. Danny Archer helped another man survive war, reunite with family and start a new life in another country – one not laced with conflict and devastation. It is because of Archer that Solomon was able to escape a tragic and possibly deadly fate. So in a sense, Archer did get what he wanted -- his body may not have left Africa but by helping Solomon, he reached his destination – in spirit. Archer’s memory lives on through the survival of a fisherman-turned-miner and his family as well as through Maddy’s telling of the trials and corruption that got them to a new, more promising land.
Danny Archer gained fame, friendship, character, integrity and a legacy that affects the lives of other people – individuals and families he will never know.
Through his actions, he made his life more valuable than one piece of jewelry or plane ticket could ever bring him. It is a prime example of what the Leesburg 33 survivor said, about there not being any human gains without somebody sacrificing, in Shari Thompson’s documentary.
So the next time you long to relocate or have a healthier lifestyle or achieve some other type of goal, I ask you to consider the possibilities of reaching it by using your knowledge and/or resources to help someone else.
Do YOU have an “Africa” that you want to leave? If so, what is your “ticket” out of there?
After slacking off on The Monday Movie Meme last week, it returns today but is going to be quick throughout the month while I do the A to Z Challenge. This week’s theme is based on Danny Archer’s quest described in my A to Z Challenge post above: One-Way Ticket.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, ONE movie featuring someone who is depending on one key thing to change his or her circumstances.
My selection for this week’s One-Way Ticket theme is: “Children of Men.” The main character in this movie risks his life to save the human race by aiding in the transport of the world’s only pregnant girl. The girl’s baby is his and the world’s “ticket” to a better existence.
What ONE movie have YOU watched that features someone trying to change their circumstances by obtaining one particular thing?
Reader Comments (28)
Haven't seen either of the movies you mentioned. Movies seems to be a popular theme for the A-Z Challenge this year.
From the Market to the Plate
Good luck with the challenge! I participated last year and had a blast!
Donna L Martin
Thanks so much for hosting the challenge!
wonderful start... great "A"!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy
Didn't read most of that as I plan to watch the movie. Great tribute to Lee, and great choice of a movie for MMM. I really liked Children of Men, though it was at times hard to watch. I'm a huge fan of Julianne Moore since my As the World Turns days and will watch anything she's in.
I do appreciate the spoiler alert - I wish people on facebook would heed that rule regarding season 3 of Walking Dead, which we've been waiting to purchase all at once instead of for 10% buying per episode...but I digress.
You're about the billionth (yes, I do enjoy hyperbole...)to recommend this movie so I'd better get on it.
Gentle reminder: the Arlee thing.
Looking forward to your posts - I'm a total movie buff!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
I have not seen these but now am curious. Will need to make time in coming weeks.
Great way to start off the challenge and your tribute to Arlee was sweet.
Great post! We love movies and these are two awesomely great ones!
I saw that movie. It was intense!
Your tribute to Arlee was great way to start the challenge. I haven't seen the film with Leonard di Caprio playing Archer, but I would like to now.
Happy Day 1 of A to Z! I haven't seen Blood Diamond yet but enjoyed reading your post, as spoilers don't spoil things for me. I have seen Children of Men, which is very good.
My choice for a classic One-Way Ticket movie is the whole Star Wars series, for the Obi-Wan Kenobi character arc. His positive intentions resulted in the emergence of Darth Vader, and so his bulldog grip on his promise to his former master Qui-Gon Jinn doesn't end until decades later with his ultimate 'sacrifice'. I began as a tween-aged fan of Luke back in the day, but when the Obi-Wan story was highlighted in the three prequels, my favorite Star Wars character became Obi-Wan (one of my favorites, Ewan McGregor, in that role didn't hurt, either.)
Thanks for everything over the time I've known you so far. Look forward to meeting you in person one day.
Blood Diamond is an excellent film and Children of Men is one of my favorites.
Things are pretty good for me so I don't have any "Africa" that I'm trying to get away from--maybe L.A. someday, but it's not all that bad.
Great theme and a good way to start off the Challenge.
Thanks for everything, Nicole!
Awesome start to the A to Z. Hadn't heard of the movies, so will be checking them out.
Great post - I've seen both movies and thought they were terrific! Excited to be a part of the A to Z Challenge, this is my first attempt at it! :)
Hi, I'm new to the A to Z Challenge and am still trying to figure out how to navigate to as many of the other participants as possible. I like your theme and am looking forward to each post. I've already added Blood Diamond to my Netflix list of movies to watch since we rarely go to the movies.
I've never seen all of Blood Diamond, but Children of Men was brilliant. The original The Fly was good as he searched for the fly with the white head. Great start Nicole!
Hey Nicole, This is impressive. I love your post. I need to think about that. What is my Africa? Makes me want to go see Blood Diamond again.
Hmm. How do I do this? Wanted to recommend a book, Blood from a Stone by Donna Leon which has as its theme, blood diamonds and how they are used in Venice.
I've not seen Blood Diamond, but I've seen Children of Men. Fantastic film. How about LOTR as a film that has people trying to change their circumstances by obtaining the one ring? Hehehe. ;)
I didn't read since I haven't seen the movie, but stopping by from A-Z!
This is a great movie choice and a great character choice to kick off the A to Z Challenge. I really like your analysis of Archer as he makes his way through the movie as well - and I think you're spot on. This is one of the few movies that really show depth of character and story, which is probably why DiCaprio chose to do it. He always seems to be selective in his roles, and he gives a great performance in each. Great post!
I've seen parts of Blood Diamond, but have never (for one reason or another) been able to make it all the way through. The question for me is which Africa do I want out of first...there seem to be so many.
I remember a movie called "The Robe" with Richard Burton and Tyrone Power, about the robe of Jesus that is gambled off amongst some Roman soldiers after the crucifixion. Burton's character is touched by 'meeting' Jesus, and goes in search of the robe because he thinks destroying the robe will cure his 'sickness'.
Just stopping by to say hello to a fellow A-Z traveler!
I really enjoyed 'Children of Men' when I saw it, but it is one that I probably wouldn't view again for several years. Leo isn't my favorite, but I must admit Blood Diamond is tempting.
Fantastic movie and great theme for the challenge! Good luck!
It was a great movie, very intense. Loving the A to Z Challenge, great idea, thanks a lot. I'll be round again.