What are Your Favorite Oscar Nominees for Best Original Song?

Over the weekend, The LAMB published an Oscars post that I wrote about the Best Original Song nominees. It was an opportunity to explain why the lead tune from “Chasing Ice” is worth a listen despite making the movie seem long and boring.
I also shared how the comedy “Ted” starring Mark Wahlberg allowed Norah Jones’ vocals and the musicians’ talents to work to its advantage but not enough to get my vote. After realizing that “Life Of Pi” didn’t have any memorable songs that stood out and “Les Miserables” just gets props by default, I think that the nominations are all over the place.
Still, everyone has their favorites, which brings me to the theme of this week’s Monday Movie Meme: Best Original Song.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, some of your favorite Oscar nominees for Best Original Song. The song can be from any previous Oscars season, so long as it was among the nominations. Here are my selections for this week’s Best Original Song theme.
This pick needs no explanation, especially since Adele already won a Golden Globe for her James Bond tune. The song is hot! Need I say more? If so, I have you covered -- see when I made a case for Skyfall winning the Oscar for Best Original Song.
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing
Say what you want about “Armageddon” -- a lot of people think this movie is ass and other people (like me...thanks to Bruce Willis) enjoyed watching it. Regardless, Aerosmith did a fine job making “I don’t want to miss a thing,” which earned them an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song during the late 90s. Although Whitney Houston’s collaboration with Mariah Carey for the “Prince of Egypt” soundtrack eventually took home the golden statue, I would still bump Aerosmith’s track any day of the week!
Lose Yourself
I remember watching the 75th Annual Oscars that year when Eminem -- a rapper -- won for this inspirational track from the dramatic narrative “8 Mile.” The beat and lyrics are so dope, I dare you to claim that you still don’t believe you can take on the world after listening to this song.
What are YOUR favorite Oscar nominees for Best Original Song?
Reader Comments (5)
I'm not big on awards so I feel a bit inadequate to point to one song or another for fave Oscar nominee for best song for a movie. I do, however, champion the Adele song for Skyfall by default as a fan lol!
I'm not big into pop music, but DAMN if Adele's Skyfall isn't a brilliant song. It's so good, in fact, that I actually tracked down the remix CD that has four different mixes by various artists. If Adele doesn't win for Best Original Song, then there's some seriously wrong with the universe. Perhaps the Matrix needs rebooting?
You're in good company, I suppose....I don't know much of any of my friends and family who are into the awards. They're all like "ehh" lol. I really hope Adele gets it but now that I got a whiff of the other nominees, I'd be almost tempted to buy the "Everybody Needs a Friend" song from the TED movie...only by default because I'm a Norah Jones fan. So, it's all good :)
Holy cow!....Skyfall has remixes? You're lucky to have nabbed the CD and I must say that it's nice to hear that someone still buys CDs these days, when it seems like everyone has trashed it in favor of the digital cloud system. Kudos to you for that! If the universe knows what's good for us, Adele will win the statue. At least, that's my hope.
I'm with you on Bruce Willis. Seriously how is he not SEXIEST MAN ALIVE on People?!?! I think the best song this year should be “Everybody Needs a Friend” from Ted .
I'm excited and getting a head start on my AtoZ Challenge!
Peanut Butter and Whine
Yep...I gotta have me some Bruce Willis! Still....Vincent D'Onofrio is a fave too though, so it's sometimes a tough call, lol. Tell me you're going to see "A Good Day to Die Hard." I'm so happy it was #1 at the box office on Valentine's Day opening weekend. I'm looking forward to renting Ted when I get around to it. A few people told me it's a funny movie. Take all the advantage of a head start on the challenge that you can, because April is going to be nuts when it all begins!