The Monday Movie Meme Returns! – An Officer and His Diamonds

The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is inspired by my upcoming short film, Abyss. It is a story about marriage proposal gone wrong that leaves an Army officer stranded at a bus stop in Philadelphia. I’m not ready to do another military theme just yet, so let’s stick with one that is as simple as pie: Rules of Engagement.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies where someone proposes to his or her significant other. Here are my selections for this week’s theme.
One of the opening scenes in this movie feature a suave bank robber named Jake who proposes to his girlfriend while meeting up with her at a restaurant. “Proposal” is rather generous and better described as an offer -- he just slips a ring on her finger and she smiles before they enter a warm embrace. To tell you the truth, I don’t even remember this guy saying much before, during or after his proposal except “If you’ll have me” – I guess you don’t need to speak many words when you’re attractive and raking in millions from your heists – your mere presence, accompanied by a nice sized diamond, is communicative enough for a gal to accept your marriage offer.
Men of Honor
There is a scene in this movie where Carl Brashear proposes to his librarian tutor while chasing her on foot as she rides away in a taxicab. “Marry me Jo!” – He didn’t have a ring but who says he needed one? Those who’ve seen the movie might agree that Brashear’s (played by Cuba Gooding Jr.) attempt at upgrading his position with the librarian is, arguably, one of the most romantic gestures in films – at least, where proposals are concerned.
The Best Man
This movie features a book author who proposes to his girlfriend during a wedding reception – after planning a booty call with someone else in the days prior to his pal’s nuptials. I guess there’s nothing like a botched sex appointment with an old friend-slash-person of interest to make you realize that you really, actually love your partner so much want to get married! Heh.
Funny Lessons learned from these Monday Movie Meme selections:
You don’t need a ring to propose and can compensate for the lack of jewelry by presenting your case in a heartfelt manner – or in a setting where marriage is being celebrated. Having a ring, however, might grant you a get-out-of-asking free card where you don’t even have to verbalize it. Just whip out some jewelry and be cool. Hmm, this may be interesting enough to whip up a guest post around it. I shall find out.
What movies have YOU watched that feature marriage proposals?
Reader Comments (4)
Good one. I can think of a bunch of rom-coms like Meet the Parents and Fever Pitch. Wasn't there one in 50 First Dates?
I know I've seen a lot of them, but for the life of me I can't remember any specific ones. I'm thinking but all I can remember are movies where couples just end up getting married without any actual proposal scene.
I'm with Arlee. Did some thinking but couldn't come up with one that really stood out for me. Or it could be my subconscious kicked any of them from my mind.
*hrm* You're wanting me to think. I can think of one in a movie of a Shakespeare play, but I couldn't think of the name.
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