Seeing On-Screen Doubles

On Saturday, I was discussing the Democratic and Republican National Conventions with a girl I know who watched those airings like they were Monday Night Football. She said "Did you see those two Mayor brothers from Texas?" to which I replied "Yes...they're so cute, aren't they!" despite the fact that she was more interested in discussing the possibility of one of them running for President one day.
To be truthful, I only saw them on TV for a few minutes discussing a speech that I didn't see because I'm more interested in watching programs like 'Master Chef' on Fox -- that goes to show you how much I'm into politics. So, the pair of cuties are the inspiration behind this week's Monday Movie Meme theme (and no, I still don't know the names of either of those two guys): Double Take.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring twins in the cast. These are real twin characters, not just Eddie Murphy or Adam Sandler dressed up as their own siblings. Therefore, I've experienced a challenge for my own friggin' meme, go figure! Here are my two one selections for this week's Double Take theme.
Fred and George Weasley
These friendly Hogwarts twins from the Harry Potter movies are the only pair that I could think of at the moment when crafting this post.
Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss -- Oh, wait! Armie Hammer played both roles for the Winklevoss brothers in 'The Social Network.' Darn. I wonder if it's cheaper to pay one actor to do two roles than to pay two actors for separate roles. Ehh. Maybe I should've just made this week's Monday Movie Meme a little easier by going for all sorts of twin characters instead.
Can YOU think of any authentic twin characters who appeared in a movie?
Reader Comments (3)
I've got a weird one that I just watched again a couple weeks ago. Chained for Life is an ultra B movie from about 1951 which stars real life conjoined twins the Hilton Sisters. They also appeared in the 1932(?) movie Freaks. Chalined... is a very low budget film made after the sisters had faded a good bit, but it presents an interesting quandary about what the verdict should be if one sister committed a murder. It's an interesting relic of a film.
Tossing It Out
Here is a link to my blog entry on this week's topic. I hope you like it.
Doubles, doubles....lessee....
- Adaptation: Nicholas Cage plays twins. If you haven't seen this movie, PLEASE pick it up! :-)
- The Shining: The ghost twins in the hallway
- Moon: Sam Rockwell play multiple Sam Rockwells. Genius.
- Dead Ringers: Jeremy Irons plays twin gynecologists. Unfortunately this is a terrible movie (I walked out of the theater on this one)
- The City Of Lost Children: Multiple Dominique Pinon during the chair scene. Brilliantly twisted film!
That's it. That's it. I'm done. I'm done.