Fade In, Scene One, Cue the Devil

So, I’m watching “Runaway Jury” starring Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman and other well-known actors on Sunday night and there is a scene where John Cusak’s character buys candles at a Voodoo shop in New Orleans -- and for some reason, that had some sort of influence on the creation of this week’s Monday Movie Meme theme: Members of the Underworld.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring demons or related occupants of Hell. Yes, I know it’s a dark subject but sometimes, everything isn’t all sun and roses. Here are my selections for this week’s Members of the Underworld meme.
The Golden Child
It’s probably hard to believe that this is a comedy but Eddie Murphy plays a social worker who is chosen to protect a young boy who possesses supernatural powers. Why does the boy need protection? Well, a vicious man who is actually a demon, wants to destroy the child.
Little Nicky
In another comedy, Adam Sandler plays an evil guy who is sent to earth to help his father Satan sustain life and control over Hell. I’ve only watched this movie once because I thought it was dumb.
The Devil’s Advocate
It’s not often that I opt to watch horror films, but hey, how can anyone pass up an Al Pacino flick?! So, Keanu Reeves plays a lawyer who wins cases even if his clients are guilty. Long story short -- a whole lot of weird crap starts happening after he joins a law firm where his boss, played by Pacino, is Satan. The sad thing is, that isn’t the only revelation for Keanu Reeves’ character but I’m not going to tell any of you who haven’t watched this movie -- you’ll just have to find out by checking it out!
Just like “Little Nicky,” I’ve watched “The Devil’s Advocate” only once but unlike the former film, I didn’t come away from the latter movie too disappointed. Instead, I just thought it was one weird, crazy motion picture!
What films have YOU watched that feature members of hell?
Reader Comments (4)
Got to bring Legend into this. Got some fantasy and some surreal evil stuff going on with the devil and Tom Cruise's character saving the world by saving a unicorn. Oh, and trying to get the girl.
I would add another Keanu Reeves movie. Constantine. I love Keanu movies with a lot of action and Keanu doesn't say to much. That movie has some wicked demons and devils.
Come to the dark side! Let's see.....I would have to go with:
- The Amityville Horror (beware the red room!)
- Ghoulies
- Legion (sure, it was cheesy, but I dig the ice-cream man)
- The Exorcist
- The Shining (All work and no play makes HermanTurnip a dull boy...")
Heh....spooky, creepy movies. And after reading the other comments, I might just have to queue up Constantine this weekend!
Oh, my, there's also BEDAZZLED in which the devil is portrayed by Elizabeth Hurley herself :) Nom nom... poor Brendan Fraser against such kind of devil!