Movie Scenes Gone Wild at the Dinner Table #comedy

After celebrating our disabled veterans in the military last week, we have a special guest topic for the Monday Movie Meme today. Tina at Life is Good suggested this week’s theme based on her love of cooking: Memorable Dinner Table Scenes.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies that feature dinner table scenes that, as described by Tina, are either “uncomfortable, have weird food -- whatever made it stand out from the usual ‘Let's put in a dinner scene so that the characters can discuss X’." Remember, to also visit the blogs of fellow Monday Movie Meme participants and if your film choices for the meme are on your own blog, link back to this blog post.
Here are my selections for this week’s Memorable Dinner Table Scenes topic.
Problem Child 2
The dinner scene where Junior unleashes his cockroaches at the table is among the most memorable parts of this movie. I don’t know if Junior’s malicious act was meant to make LaWanda look like a bad cook or if his intentions were to just make her so angry that she would stay away from his father Ben. No matter what his reasons were for the disgusting dinner stunt, it’s definitely a reminder to question what you eat -- especially if there is a piece of iceberg lettuce moving across the table at its own will! I think Grandpa Big Ben’s dialogue in this scene sums it all up nicely...
“What in the hell is in this salad???” - Big Ben
Unfortunately for LaWanda, Ben and Big Ben, it was much more than blue cheese!
House Party 3
When Vida’s father questions Kid about his plans to support a wife and family, dinner turns into an exchange of insults between the future in-laws.
A heap of arguments lead to the bride and groom’s families threatening each other and the mother-of-the-bride starts throwing salt at Kid’s grandmother while an uncle (played by late comedian, Bernie Mac) tries to attack the mother with a knife. Vida’s father, however, ends this ruckus by taking out a handgun and shooting at the roof and floor. He points the handgun around the dinner table while yelling for everyone to get out of his house.
Sex and the City: The Movie
One of the memorable dinner scenes in this movie features a takes place in a restaurant -- I’m not sure if it’s the same one where Charlotte refused to eat anything other than pre-packaged chocolate pudding because, as she views it, they’re “ Mexico!” -- but when Samantha orders another round of Martinis, Charlotte expresses concern about them drinking so much.
Samantha’s response, “Relax. We’re on vacation” prompts Carrie to say “Technically, we’re on my honeymoon.” Then Miranda, already stewing from troubles in her own marriage, interrupts to direct Carrie’s attention to a couple who are making out at a table across the room -- Miranda tells the girls “No, I think we’re on their honeymoon” before yelling “Yeah. It’s all so hot, three days in!” in a sarcastic manner, at the unknown couple.
Although making out in a public restaurant where strangers are trying to enjoy a nice meal; does not exactly display the best table manners, Miranda’s outburst was equally disturbing and unnecessary.
What are some memorable dinner table scenes that YOU'VE watched?
Reader Comments (9)
I've always loved the dinner scene in Beetlejuice where the family and guests dance to the Harry Belafonte song. Priceless!
Sorry I'm late. Strange day. My post is now up! I really enjoyed writing it, and will make this meme my regular Monday feature. Thanks for letting me pick the prompt on my very first time.
Tina @ Life is Good
Aw, man...somebody already beat me to Beetlejuice. Ah are my picks:
-Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: The eye patch and the fork with the cork always gets me laughing
-The Last Supper (1995): I certainly wouldn't want to be buried in the garden...
-The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Rocky: "A toast..." Audience: "To cannibalism!"
-Alien: Who invited the chest burster to brunch?
-Meet The Parents: Want to know how to milk a cat?
Awesome topic this go-around! Had to force myself to stop at 5 movies :-)
Argh! I *meant* to type:
Frank: "A toast..." Audience: "To cannibalism!"
Anyone remember the scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where they are having dinner at the young princes castle and they cut into a snake and all the baby snakes come out and squirm all over the table. Then, they ate monkey brains and they had the actual monkey's head as the serving dish. Traumatizing.
The Klump's Nutty Professor scene is gut-bustingly funny.
I haven't watched Beetlejuice in years but that scene surely depicts an entertaining way to enjoy a family dinner :)
Better late than never, where blogging is concerned. Yeah, strangeness adds some spice to life, for sure. I checked out your Monday Movie Meme blog post and left my comments over there...your "When Harry Met Sally" pick is a great choice for this week's topic!
I knew you'd have some great picks....that "Meet the Parents" scene was so funny...and awkward, lol. "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is classic and I'd never guess that "Alien" would be mentioned this week. Also, although I never watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, I did get the gist of your toast to cannibalism dialogue :)
I went to school with a guy who was an Indiana Jones fanatic but never watched any of those movies. The scene that you described sounds traumatic enough...easy to make anyone lose his or her appetite, lol.
You know, I'm familiar with Eddie Murply's Nutty Professor franchise but never watched The Klumps. I've seen clips of different scenes from that movie and can understand how it would fit among the memorable dinner table scenes. When picturing the characters from that movie, your description is all the more priceless!
One of my favorites is the ending of Raising Arizona--I just think it's a nice scene. Also, though not strictly a comedy, but having a rather funny meal scene is Fellini's Roma. The scene with all of the neighbors eating spaghetti at the tables set up out in the street is chaotic fun.
A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog
I'm not familiar with Raising Arizona but will try to keep it on my radar the next time I'm browsing through Netflix listing or Blockbuster offferings :) Living in the city has be accustomed to seeing people eating in the usually occurs during block parties when the streets are closed off from traffic but side from sidewalk restaurant dining, I can imagine the chaos of a group of people eating in the middle of a street. On that note, I'll be reading up on Roma to see if I might want to watch it :)