Suicidal Film Scenes #Monday #Movie #Meme

While visiting LOVE Park today, I noticed lots of backpacks on the ground, surrounding the waterfall behind one of Philadelphia’s most famous monuments. As it turns out, these backpacks represent 1,100 college students who die by suicide each year. A representative from the nonprofit mental health awareness organization Active Minds, Inc. told me that the backpacks are part of their Send Silence Packing program -- an ongoing public display to help reduce suicide on college campuses.
Some of the backpacks feature stories of young men and women who were lost to suicide.
So, since disturbing films were already the topic of discussion during last week’s Monday Movie Meme, I’m keeping in line (somewhat) with uncomfortable topics this week, in honor of the Send Suicide Packing day in Philadelphia. This week’s Monday Movie Meme theme is: At the End of My Roap.
Share on your blog, or in the comments section, the most memorable movie scenes you’ve ever watched where film characters kill themselves. Here are my selections for our At the End of My Roap theme -- described in a way that prevents spoilers, for those of you who haven’t seen these films yet.
An Army Sergeant drives his car into an oncoming train in the mystery drama “Courage Under Fire” starring Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan and Matt Damon.
Following years of killing and related violence, a U.S. Marine shoots himself in front of his wife in Oliver Stone’s Vietnam War drama “Heaven & Earth” starring Tommy Lee Jones and Joan Chen.
A housemaid/nanny hangs herself in the basement of her employer’s home, leaving behind a suicide note that reads “I’m sure I have cancer. I cannot face the pain. Sorry,” in the horror film “Pet Sematary.”
What are the most memorable suicidal movie scenes that YOU’ve ever watched?
*There are two ways to participate in the Monday Movie Meme:
1. Write a blog post on your own blog, listing your selections for this week’s topic (make sure to also link back to this post) and then leave a comment with a URL link to your Monday Movie Meme post.
2. Just leave a comment on this post with your choices for this week’s meme.
**The next Send Silence Packing display will be on May 12th from 9am to 5pm at the Fairfax Corner Shopping Center in Fairfax, Virginia. Program organizers are still looking for volunteers and judging by the current signup list, there are people coming in from neighboring towns and even out-of-state areas such as South Carolina, so if you are not in Fairfax, Virginia but live near there or know someone who is, consider helping them out by signing up for a volunteer shift at the upcoming VA display!.
Reader Comments (5)
Eerie choice of topic here, Nicole! ;-) Let's about:
-The Deer Slayer^H^H^H Hunter (heh...)
-Constantine (slits his wrists at the end)
-Full Metal Jacket (recruit eats a bullet in the bathroom)
-Battle Royale (teens jump to their death rather than kill) (just came out on blu-ray!)
-The Happening (I lost count on the number of suicides in this film!)
....okay, I had more fun that I should have on this morbid topic. Great post!!
Yeah, suicide is a harsh one. That's a trigger point in my story.
Here are a few that came to mind:
Constantine - Woman falls to her death leaving her twin sister behind to figure out the mystery of her decision
Shawshank Redemption - Years behind bars leads one old man to hang himself after finally receiving his freedom
Monster's Ball - A son shoots himself dramatically in front of his father
Seven Pounds - a man decides to take his own life after the painful loss of his wife in an accident that took the life of several others as well.
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