A Wale inspired Movie Dialogue Game #atozchallenge

“I need something to hold, fuck that passive aggression and when I’m back from off the road, don’t ask me no questions please...girl, let me get them ooh, ahhs, then I gotta catch my plane. Say you miss me and you wishing for some private time, girl how can we get that way”
“That Way” by Wale (also featuring Jeremih and Rick Ross) is one of the most entertaining rap songs that I’ve been listening to for a few months now. I don't know what this song is about or if it is even supposed to have a meaning or inspiration behind it at all. Based on the lyrics and music video, my take on the tune is that it chronicles traveling, sex and cheating.
There aren't many movies that come to mind at the moment that encompasses all three of these subjects, except for maybe "Why Do Fools Fall in Love" starring Larenz Tate and Halle Berry. I can, however, think of another movie that Larenz Tate also headlines -- "Love Jones" that has that whole "Whenever Wherever Whatever" by Maxwell feel to it and just so happens to sorta touch on traveling, sex and cheating within its storyline but still suggests a happy ending.
Nina: How do we do this?
Darius: I don't know.
Nina: I live in New York!
Darius: I don't care.
Nina: As usual, your timing couldn't be worse. You always want what you want when you want it. Why does everything have to be so damn urgent with you?
Darius: Let me tell you something, this right here, at this very moment, is all that matters to me. I love you. That's urgent like a motherfucker.
What does this "Love Jones" dialogue have to do with anything, you ask? Well at the time of this writing, I wrote most of it from memory and despite owning a VHS copy of "Love Jones" (currently collecting dust in my apartment), I haven't watched this movie in at least one year. So, while I may not be entirely accurate with what Nina and Darius said to each other in this particular movie scene, I'm pretty sure that I've come damn close to it. Could YOU do the same? Better yet, challenge guests at your next dinner party to try this quick and easy party game that can be setup with little to no fuss, for fun.
Are you familiar with that Fox TV show called “Don't Forget the Lyrics?” Well, let's play a game of Don't Forget the Movie Lines. Finish the dialogue from the following movies that contain some form of sex, traveling or cheating:
Sex: Bruce Willis in "Perfect Strangers" - Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you....
Answer: ______________________________
Traveling: Tom Cruise in “Top Gun” - I feel the need....
Answer: ______________________________
Cheating: Kate Winslet in “Titanic” - I’d rather be his....
Answer: ______________________________
Also, I favor Maxwell's "Whenever Wherever Whatever" song moreso than Wale's track but Maxwell didn't make the cut for today’s post because he was already highlighted in an earlier A to Z Challenge post of mine -- for Letter M: Matrimony & Wedding Movie Party Games.
Can YOU finish any of the Sex/Traveling/Cheating movie lines featured in today's post?
Reader Comments (7)
"I feel the need...the need for speed!"
"I'd rather be his whore than your wife!"
Well, not me. Rose. But, I think you know that.
By the way, that dude doesn't look Welsh.
Thank you very much for the birthday wishes. It's cool when you come from somewhere else to just say that. Thank you!!
Have a blessed evening!
1: And I'll show you a guy tired of her s**t? ...must look this one up
2: ...The need, for speed!
3: ...whore than your wife?
Speaking of Titanic, it's coming out soon on blu-ray. So is Jeremiha Johnson, the Blade trilogy, and New Jack City! Man...it's shaping up to be a great year for blu-ray!
I'm a bit behind on my reading--and I must confess that I STINK at movie lines...but not having seen Top Gun (GASP) in almost 20 years...I knew that line. I've seen Titanic more than once--but I flubbed it up. I'm a huge Bruce Willis fan and yet here I am going to have to Google that answer!! LOLOL!
Anyway--I will go back soon and read more of your posts. :)
Cheers, Jenn
I haven't seen Love Jones in some years, but reading that exchange, yeah, that sounds pretty darned accurate.
And i only knew the Top Gun one, which is already been answered brilliantly.
Man, I think I need a fix. Better find my Love Jones DVD. :-0
You're after my time, girl! Ask me some from the ones I used to watch on Saturday afternoon TV, and I could tell ya! lol
Loved the post. My parents can do entire conversations through lines from films. Some phrases have stuck as part of everyday conversation, others are clever and it takes a while to guess the film. I was always the most rubbish at the game, being a visual person rather than an auditory girl like my sister.