Snapshot Saturdays - My $18 Hunger Games IMAX Movie Ticket #atozchallenge #atoz #saturday #photos

“I’m everyone, I feel used. I’m everyone, I need you. I’m everyone, hang your label on me. I’m everyone, paint it black and white and easy”
“Spin Spin Sugar” by Sneaker Pimps is a fun song to listen to. I don't know what in the world this song is about, or if it does have a meaning at all but I do enjoy each time Pandora plays it on one of its internet radio stations, nonetheless. The music video doesn’t help to explain things either, since it takes place in a bathroom. Yes, I know what you’re thinking -- odd!
The weekend is here, so today’s A to Z Challenge post is going to be short and sweet. I went to see the “The Hunger Games” a few weeks ago and it wasn’t until after realizing I paid $18 to watch it in IMAX that I started to understand why many parents don’t take their families to the movies very often.
These days, a night out at the movie theater seems to be a luxury for teenagers with excess cash, single people who are employed, unemployed people who have nothing else to do and childless couples. If a family of four went to see the Hunger Games in IMAX at the same theater I went to, that’s a total of $72 in movie tickets -- before they even think about getting something to snack on or drink. Looking at entertainment options from a parents’ or family's’ perspective -- especially those who are on a budget, movie theaters don’t seem to be very family-friendly.
What was the last movie YOU saw in IMAX at a theater?
How much did YOU pay for that IMAX movie ticket?
Should movie theaters offer discounts to families, like they do with Students and Seniors or are large families better off waiting to rent movies on DVD?
Thanks for reading. If you have extra time, check out yesterday’s Russian Roulette post.
Until next time.....
May the odds be ever in your favor!
*This is the first installment of 'Snapshot Saturdays' here at the Madlab Post. It is not to be confused with Snapshot Trivia that takes place on Wordless Wednesdays. Let me know if you like it, if you want to see more or if you’re going to just leave it all up to me.
Reader Comments (9)
It's been years since I've seen an IMAX movie. Even just taking the family to a regular theater is expensive. I see large families at the theater, getting drinks and popcorn, and wonder how on earth they can afford it.
I liked this post. I haven't been to an IMAX movie in a billion zillion years.
I like your music. Good site!
Best Wishes, jean
Wowsers, I guess we'll have to save up the shillings. $18 dollars seems very expensive to me. In Europe I believe a visit to the cinemas is somewhere in the region on €9! When you do the math on this at an exchange rate of approx $1.30, this equates to Americans getting overcharged by €6.30! per ticket!!!
Thats the number one reason I've never been to an IMAX film. Not because they aren't great entertainment, or a good media form. Purely cost. That and these days the nearest IMAX theatre is god knows where- but at least 2 hours away. It costs me $30 just to drive there and back.
Last IMAX movie for me? Hunger Games! : ) I also paid $18 for the ticket. Not so : )
I'm just a sucker for movies, though. Next IMAX I'll see is the Avengers here in a couple of weeks. Ultimately, the price is worth it for me, but I have become more selective about the movies I'll pay to see on the big screen versus rent when they come out on video.
You're absolutely correct: a movie outing isn't family friendly. Especially when you factor in concession prices. Your kid wants popcorn and a Coke? There's another $10-$15. And Lord help you if you've got more than one child and their tastes are different.
Really love your idea for a family discount. Honestly, if you buy more than two tickets there should be a group discount. That would incorporate families as well.
Wanted to say thanks for the comment on my blog! Really appreciated it, I'm so very glad to meet you. Looking forward to more of your posts.
I have not seen a movie in IMAX. The prices were always too high to me, even while I was single and childless :-)
Not sure if discounts should be given to families, though I wouldn't be against it. Personally, if it is a movie that I really want to take my child to see, I'll save the money. Or we'll just wait for it to go to DVD, pop up all the popcorn we want then enjoy it at home.
The hunger games wasn't 3D was it? I didn't think they were doing it in 3D.
And I think the last time I went to one it was 12 or 14 dollars. No where near the 18 dollars you paid. It was the harry potter movie.
Sonia Lal @ Story Treasury
sadly, I don't even have a regular cinema, not to mention an IMAX in my city :(
Karin and I *just* got back from The Hunger Games not two hours ago. Was nice to see a movie live up to the novel. Of course much was left out due to time constraints, and the additions didn't detract from the story (which was nice). Could have done without district 11 rioting like that (I liked the way the book handled this better).
And yes, attending an IMAX screening can break the bank! Last time I went to see an IMAX film was for Avatar, and before that The Dark Knight. Throw in popcorn and a soda and we're entering some expensive waters!