Tagged by Pearson Report - The Answer Game #atozchallenge #meme

A few weeks ago, I got tagged by Jenny Pearson who is one of the thirteen co-hosts of the 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge and writes at The Pearson Report. She is playing The Answer Game where the rules are simple: Jenny asks you the following questions and then you post the answers on your blog. Furthermore, you also post the same questions to your followers and so on and so on.
Pearson Report:
Are you signed up for the A to Z Challenge?
Madlab Post: Yes, I signed up in January.
What is your sign-up number?
My number is 35 on the list and this line reads: The Madlab Post.
Are you ready? If yes...explain yourself.
(Is it because you’re retired, or do you blog at work...just curious)
Yes, I have selected a theme and made a list of the topics that will be featured on this blog during April 2012. A portion of the theme will also coincide with a special A to Z edition of the Monday Movie Meme, which is hosted by yours truly and Dale at Smurfin' the Web.
If you’re not ready...what’s your excuse?
(Or...are you going to wing it and hope for the best)
This question does not apply to me -- I already started writing some of my blog posts for the challenge -- so far, I have two of them completed with a few others half-way in progress and hope to have all of them done by the end of March or at the very least, early April. If they are not completed by April 1st, then I’m going to use the second Sunday to buckle down and work on any posts that are incomplete.
Also, a little note from Jenny...
If you play the game...I’ll add your blog to my TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List - where everyone will know you are a team player who's kickin' it with me and the A to Z team. Our goal is to see 1,000 participants, on the sign-up list, by March 1st...so here’s your chance to pitch in and show your support by playing TAG.
So what are you waiting for...you’ve just been TAGGED!
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks Nicole, for playing TAG with me.
Sounds like you are pretty organized - I'm getting there myself. I've finished posts up to "O" and have the balance of the letters mapped out.
I will miss the spontaneity of posting on the day of...I found it quite invigorating and stimulating. But, as co-host I want to make sure I have lots of time to be popping in on the participating blogs and show my support.
I have added your name to my TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List.
Jenny @ http://pearsonreport.ca" rel="nofollow">Pearson Report
Co-Host of the http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com" rel="nofollow">Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Hehehehe my goal is also to hit 1000 blogs by 31 April, but since I'm starting after my blogs this year, I'm hitting the earlier blogs ahead of time. Which brings me here. :-)
Yes I also have a list of topics for both my blogs, but I still have to write them. Will do that, as soon as I hit blog no 40.
How does this tagging thing work, I'm confused, do I just post and answer these question now on my blog? Help! :s
Thanks for stopping by. I'm kinda not surprised that you're up to "O" because while it's much further along than I am, you have a LOT on your plate this time round, with co-hosting duties and such. It looks like you're moving along rapidly and well in time for April :)
I enjoyed posting spontaneous blogs during the 2011 A to Z Challenge...most of the time, anyways. Other times, I found myself experiencing writer's block and posting late into the night, like when it was down to the wire, at like 11:55pm, lol.
Hello to you! Starting early gives you a nice cushion to reach your goal of visiting 1000 blogs by April 31. If you can do it, be sure to write a post on your blog about your experiences and how you got through it throughout the month, once the challenge is over. I'm sure many bloggers would love to read about it an learn a thing or two, especially if they plan to go at the challenge again next year.
YES, you just post and answer these questions on your blog!
and then make sure to let Jenny at The Pearson Report know about it by sending her a link to your post, so she can add you to her Blogroll!