Museums on Screen

This week's latest installment of the Monday Movie Meme comes on the heels of my two-hour night...better yet, make that morning of sleep. So, I don't have much to say at the moment. The theme is: Museums.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring museums. They don't have to be museums that are actually operating in real life but if you ever watched a movie featuring one that people can visit, feel free to share it. Here is my one selection for this week's meme.
House of Wax
Just when I thought The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia was creepy...the wax museum in "House of Wax" gives The Mutter's exhibitions on medical history a run for their money. At least we can find solace in knowing that this horror movie is based on a fictional attraction. If it weren't, I reckon that the celebrity wax figures at Madame Tussauds museums around the world wouldn't be so appealing. Those "Where are they now?" television segments and news stories would take on a life of their own.
Now, it's YOUR turn to name the films you've watched that feature museums. Ready? Set. Go!
Reader Comments (6)
Love it! Have a busy day, so it will go up later this afternoon. The movies popped into my head immediately. I'll post the link once I'm up. Now you girl, go take a nap!
Tina @ Life is Good
Okay, here's the mom in me jumping front and center. Night at the Museum was really funny to my daughter. Silly to me, but my daughter loved it. :-)
I'm finallyup!
Oh, you've been to the Mutter Museum? I was going to go once, but I think it was too early in the morning and my traveling companions were not overly interested in going. Someday maybe I'll make it.
Just the other day I was watching part of The Mummy--the original version from 1932 or so and it was the part where they were showing the Cairo Museum. I was wondering if they were actual shots of the museum--it looked like it. It was pretty cool though.
Then there are the art museum scenes in Vertigo.
In know I've seen a lot more but other than the Night at the Museum movies none others immediately come to mind.
Tossing It Out
Darn...Night At The Museum has already been mentioned. That and its sequel were fun movies!
If I had to add to this list, it would have to be:
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The DaVinci Code
The International
...and that's all I can think of. Sheesh...only three? What's wrong with me tonight?
Hitch and Ghostbusters 2 had great museum scenes in them. Batman is my favorite though. "Let's broaden our minds!"