Leonardo "DiWackio" According to Generation Y'ers #NaBloPoMo

As much as many movie fans love Leonardo DiCaprio and his work, there are lots of other movie goers who are not a fan of this particular actor. I spoke with two relatives to find out their thoughts on DiCaprio and the movies that he starred in so far. Here are notes one the responses from a conversation with my 14 year-old cousin who watched “Romeo & Juliet,” “Titanic,” “The Departed,” “Blood Diamond,” and “Inception.”
Why does Leonardo DiCaprio get on your nerves?
Because he don’t know how to act.
What was your least favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
“Shutter Island” Because the theme of the movie wasn’t really pleasing to me.
What was your most favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
“Romeo & Juliet” Because I liked how he acted....he played Romeo really well.
Here is an audio recording of my conversation with a 25 year-old relative, with whom I asked the same three questions:
Why does Leonardo DiCaprio get on your nerves?
What was your least favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
What was your most favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
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