3 Reasons to Attend Film Festivals #NaBloPoMo #IndieFilm

Reason #1: Early Birds Get the Worms....or First Viewings
Much like midnight movie showings for new releases, film festivals can give you an advantage of being able to watch new movies first before the rest of the country gets to see it.....or at least everyone else that you know does. Independent films that are backed by a studio or distributor often screen at film festivals before they get released in theaters. Think this is rare? Guess again.
In January, one of my relatives asked me to go see Tanya Hamilton’s “Night Catches Us” starring Kerry Washington (Ray; Last King of Scotland) and Anthony Mackie (The Adjustment Bureau; She Hate Me) to which I declined. Why? Well, because I already saw “Night Catched Us” like way back in October 2010 when it was playing at the 19th annual Philadelphia Film Festival.
Reason #2: Broaden your Movie Viewing Experiences
If asked, the average movie goer will probably not be able to name five foreign films ….real foreign films......at the very least, movies that do not star well known talents such as Bruce Lee and Jet Li nor were directed by Ang Lee. This is because the average movie goer may not be interested in reading subtitles to comprehend what is taking place in a scene or may not consider foreign films to be entertaining. Or, maybe average movie goers just does not have access to foreign films nor is aware of what is available in this category and they don’t know what they are missing.
No matter what factor applies, film festivals provide an opportunity for movie fans to learn about other cultures through film expression and also come to appreciate the differences in what filmmakers from around the world have to offer.
Reason #3: Be in a Movie
Have you ever wanted to be in a movie but didn’t pursue it because you don’t have any acting experience or life got in the way or your family and friends told you it was impossible, etc. ? Do you have acting experience and want to be in another movie to keep this acting thing going or to maybe play a different kind of character than you’re used to portraying? No matter which side of the acting spectrum you come from, film festivals make it easier than ever for you to get a chance (or several, depending on the festival you go to) to be in a movie......probably without even auditioning and sending in head shots.
It works like this: You go to a film festival and attend screenings or events where the filmmakers are also making an appearance. At this point, introduce yourself or casually strike up a conversation with everybody because you never know who is and who isn’t in a position to recommend you for a role in a film. Therefore, it may work to your benefit to talk up the whole crowd, especially at festivals in small towns and such because other actors, crew members and producers are good to meet even if you are never able to meet the filmmakers.
If no one offers an acting job to you during the festival and you don’t pursue one, all is not lost. Contact the filmmaker, producer, casting director, etc. that you wanted to work with and say something like “Hi, it’s me. We met at such and such festival back in whatever. What are you working on now and can you consider me for a role in your new movie?” It helps to have a reel of previous work or website or something that can show the casting person what you can do for him/her.
Oh, and don’t say “me,” say whatever your name is and call the festival by name when contacting someone whose film you want to be in.
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