Overjoyed with the Overlord Award

As rapper Ice Cube once said, "today is a good day"! I will be jamming to his song right before watching Michael Jackson's "Remember the Time" video and then possibly checking out the extended edition (didn't even know an extended edition existed until a few minutes ago) of "Gladiator" (the Russell Crowe one, not the Cuba Gooding Jr. one) online somewhere......all in celebration of receiving the Overlord Award from Herman Turnip at Terrible Analogies!
I'd like to give a big thanks to Herman for this award and also congratulate the other bloggers who share in this honor as Overlord Award recipients. To be inducted into the club of Overlords, one must make a list of three things that he or she would change in the world and then pass this award on to 10 other bloggers and finally...let the recipients know that they have achieved such an honor.
First things first, obey your thirst! Just kidding....I just had to add that in here because I had Sprite on my mind for some reason. Here are the three things that I would change in this world:
*Two of these are changes that I would be serious about making while one is a fantasy....I bet you can't figure out which changes fall in these two categories!
1. Enforce statewide ordinances in metropolitan areas around the country that would require rude movie theater goers to pay fines....double the fine on weekends.
2. Reform the family court system including the placement of increased child support restrictions for unwed mothers (and fathers, if necessary) with the exception of circumstances where rape, abuse and/or incest has occurred.
3. Shutdown Facebook as it is in it's current state and require the owners to auction it off to corporations and universities that could buy it outright and use it in-house as an exclusive perk for their employees and/or students to communicate with each other and increase school spirit or morale in and out of the workplace.
And now, I present all the blogs that I am passing the Overlord Award on to:
Tossing It Out
For creating a space where bloggers can become more productive, meet new people and learn new things.
For giving bloggers and writers a fun way to play with words in a manner that is suitable for all ages.
The Bumbles
For helping men and women reminisce about favorite movies past and present while also discovering new films to watch and discussing what makes all of them memorable.
Far Away in the Sunshine
For making every day brighter for readers, through happy imagery, powerful quotes and other sweet musings.
Two Hands and a Roadmap
For being a multiple marathon champion with a humorous and realistic depiction of motherhood, writing, marriage, life and everything in between.
Daily (w)rite
For posting some of the most catchy short stories made from just one single word prompt.
Word Nerd Speaks
For reviving a blogging community that can help to cure writer’s block and save the Internet from empty blogs.
DIY Filmmaker
For championing indie film in a way that got others such as IndieWire to start paying more attention to certain philosophies on DIY and the state of the independent film community.
Random Thoughts
For convincing readers to identify the traits of a good and quality friend while also helping them realize what many of these traits are, in the process.
It’s All Me
For having the dedication, passion and drive to manage two different blogs while many of us other bloggers find it a struggle to keep up with one.
I completed the WordCount Blogathon, finished a video footage log for a music artist that I've been collaborating on a project with and now get to display the Overlord Award on my blog.....this is shaping up to be a good week!
Technorati Tags: Overlord+award, terrible+analogies, Blog+awards, blogging+awards, blog+award, blogging+award, tossing+it+out, diy+filmmaker, writercize, random+thoughts+blog, its+all+me+blog, word+nerd+speaks, daily+write, two+hands+and+a+roadmap, far+away+in+the+sunshine
Reader Comments (6)
You made my day....and possibly my week :)
Thank you for the award and your continued support. Now to go meet the other award-winners, and then wonder about who to pass the award on to and why :)
Damyanti, you are most certainly welcome! Have fun showing it off and passing it on :)
Awww, thank you for passing along your award to me. Thanks for the great description of what I did for A-Z...Good friends are hard to find and to have them you must be one. :)
Have a great weekend, Nicole!
You're very welcome, as it was a pleasure to read your blog and find out what you had in store for readers. Your blog posts caused me to take an inventory of my own group if friends and realize which traits they either possessed or didn't possess. I hope you have a great weekend as well!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am honored to be an Overlord. ;) I will pass it along in the very near future!
Yay for your good week too!!!
Thank you so much Nicole. Been a bit busier than usual and it took me too long to come and thank you properly. Here I am, better late than never