Flashback Friday and the Greatest Marriage Proposal Ever!

It’s another Friday in the WordCount blogathon and I’m taking this time to highlight two of my favorite posts from April 2011. One is about movie collections and the second post covers product placement in movies. Also, I’ll leave you today with video of an epic marriage proposal that is a must-see and should start this weekend off on a quite romantic note at movie theaters around the country.
My Movie Collection and Top 10 Independent Films
A literal glimpse into my movie collection, complete with a photo accompanied by 10 independent films that are the best ever, in my opinion. The difference between this top 10 list and the other movie lists that you may read from time to time here is that I own most of the films listed on the post....I didn’t just go “oooh, I like that film, I’ll list it on the blog.” Nope, most of the movies on this list are in (or will be be by the end of this year) in my movie collection.
What NASCAR Taught Me About Making Movies
It took some time for me to write this post, so it has a special place in my heart. In the post, I explain why the movie industry can learn a lot from the sports industry, particularly NASCAR.
and now, for your feature...*ahem*...short presentation.....
The Greatest Marriage Proposal Ever!
It looks like Matt (the guy in this video) has placed the bar pretty high for marriage proposals.....and you thought Kate Middleton was lucky!
This post was inspired by Two Hands and a Roadmap.
Technorati Tags: wordcount+blogathon, flashback+friday, fake+it+friday, 2011+wordcount+blogathon, may+blogathon, movies, movie+trailers, movie+collection, top+10+independent+films, product+placement, nascar, nascar+and+movies, what+nascar+taught+me, making+movies, two+hands+and+a+roadmap, greatest+marriage+proposal+ever, the+greatest+marriage+proposal+ever, marriage+proposal+video, movie+theater
Reader Comments (3)
Hi Nicole, I have seen Crash and really loved the movie for its in-depth look into the reality of our human condition. Quite an eye-opening movie!
Love that marriage proposal!
I watched "Crash" maybe twice when it came out on DVD and liked the way it was put together as well. Nothing is really what you think it is sometimes and I liked the way it showed how actions, fear and preconceptions about things result in behavior that is sometimes unwarranted.
Donna K. Weaver,
Me too! Matt took the cake and at the moment, movie theaters may be off limits for proposals since it's already been done now, so any guy who does it this year may look like a copycat, lol. I think it's good that he did this and that it became so popular among the online video sites because it may sorta force other men to be more creative with their marriage proposals.