Baby Shower DVDs for Facebook Fanatics
'B' is for Baby in my addition to the A to Z Challenge
This is very fitting since I am, coincidentally, attending a baby shower today which got me thinking about strange baby names that people give their children and movie director Robert Rodriguez came to mind because his kids have pretty unexpected names. Among his five children, (and in no particular order with regard to age) their names are:
Rocket (boy)
Rebel (boy)
Rogue (boy)
Racer (boy)
and Rhiannon (girl)
As different as the names of this Grindhouse "Planet Terror" (2007) and "Machete" (2010) director's kids are, none of them are more strange or unexpected than that guy in Egypt who named his baby Facebook. So, if I attended the baby shower celebrating his kid and gave the parents "The Social Network" DVD as a baby shower gift, would this be appropriate gifting etiquette?
I say YES!
"The Social Network" won the most Oscars this year, including Best Picture, so it's an acclaimed baby shower gift.
Would YOU deem "The Social Network" DVD as an appropriate baby shower gift for a kid (a baby girl, at that) named Facebook?
If not, what kind of gift would you bring to the shower?
Since the baby is a girl the name selection is a little awkward because Facebook could likely work for a boy growing up, while Twitter may more fitting for a girl....since we're talking social networking baby names here.
What are some of the most outrageous baby names that YOU were introduced to?
Technorati Tags: baby+shower+dvd, baby+names, facebook, facebook+fanatics, gifts+for+facebook+fanatics, the+social+network+dvd, the+social+network, a+to+z+blogging+challenge, a+to+z+challenge, a+to+z+april+challenge, april+blogging+challenge
Reader Comments (1)
Looks like you did the HTML link perfectly. I got here in a breeze. Keep using it. I for one really like it when I see others besides me doing it. Thanks.
And yes, Facebook is a pretty outrageous name, but I hope no one goes for Twitter. Can you imagine growing up with that name?
Added myself to your followers.
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