Keys to Film Festival Knowledege and a Jeopardy Bet

'K' is for “Knowledge” today and you all reading this are invited to play a little Jeopardy styled game with me because I bet you didn't know much about these film festival movies that are listed here until visiting this blog today. Answer one of the following clues with the correct movie title and I will write a future blog post on the topic of your choice. You may need to do a little research, depending on your knowledge and experience in keeping up with film festival news and related happenings. If so, just consider it to be a very fun little film related scavenger hunt.
Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out already won my David Duchovny Dare game earlier this month and now I'm hosting another activity for bloggers, brands, companies, services and movie goers to get recognized while also learning about film festivals and independent films in the process.....this is the day for Film Festival Wednesdays after all!
Jeopardy Category: Film Festival Movies
$400 – The 2011 Tribeca Film Festival is screening this Dick Maas movie about a battle to save children in Amsterdam from being slaughtered by a bloodthirsty bishop and his minions.
$800 – One of the stars of ABC's “Boston Legal” co-produced this comedy short film about a black man who is married to a white woman and he later learns that her family used to own his ancestors; which screened at the Connecticut Film Festival this past weekend.
$1200 – The European Film Festival screened this film recently, about a young female whose future becomes uncertain when her boyfriend gives her an untimatum after finding out that she is pregnant.
$1600 – Following the Cannes Film Festival screening of this movie about criminals who rob a bar at gunpoint and must wait to retrieve a code for the safe, in May, the film is reportedly scheduled to have a limited released in London theaters.
$2000 – A Tokyo director made this film about one middle class family whose cramped but drama free atmosphere becomes chaotic thanks to an unwelcome visitor who takes over their home and print shop; which was screened a few weeks ago at New Directors/New Films presentend by the Museum of Modern Art and the Film Society at Lincoln Center in New York City.
If you're not familiar with the famous Jeopardy TV show that airs on ABC in the United States, you CAN still play this game. Just remember to provide your answer in the form of a question.
For example....
If I was playing and the clue was: This movie blog hosts a King Dong series in which actor Vincent D'Onofrio won twice.
My answer would be: What is The Madlab Post?
You Got it? Good!
Now play! Leave your answer with your comment.
UPDATE as of Saturday, April 16, 2011: This Jeopardy game is now closed. The Answers and Winners are announced below. You can still find out more information about these films by going to the film festival websites.
And remember......the first person with the correct answer to any one of these questions Wins this Film Festival Wednesdays Jeopardy game and will get a future post on this blog written on the topic of his or her choice.-NOW CLOSED. ANSWERS CAN BE FOUND BELOW GAME RULES AND REGULATIONS.
This post was inspired by a Jeopardy writing exercise from the Writercize blog and written as part of my continuing participation in the A to Z Challenge.
*You must have a blog, website, online store, twitter account or some way for me to contact you if you've won. I strongly recommend that you do not place an email address in your comment. There is a URL option in the comment box for you to add a website or online profile, if you desire.
***The author and editor of the Madlab Post blog (that would be me) reserves the right to determine the angle in which all editorial content will be posted as well as the and no offensive, hateful or other inappropriate content will be published if the nature of said content is not informative in some manner or intended to be used as a catalyst for sparking positive discussions.
Saturday, April 16, 2011 UPDATE:
Here are the answers to this Jeopardy game:
$400 - Sint (Also called “Saint” in North America)
$800 - I Own You
$1200 - Cairo Exit
$1600 -Four Hours (also titled as 4 Hours; starring Paul Bibbs)
$2000 - Hospitalité
Alana is the WINNER!
Congratulations to Alana for playing and having the correct answer for the $2000 clue!
Technorati Tags: a+to+z+challenge, a+to+z+blogging+challenge, film+festivals, film+festival+games, film+festival+wednesdays, jeopardy, jeopardy+games, a+to+z+blog+challenge, a+to+z+april+challenge, april+blog+challenge, blog+challenge, blog+trivia, movie+trivia, movie+games
Reader Comments (5)
I wanted to repeat my response to the comment you made on my site about Word Verification slowing down your progress in visiting other blogs.
Recently I started using Google Chrome as my browser and since I have those WV things load and go thru in a flash and I haven't had a problem yet. I don't know what browser you use now, but Chrome seems to work really well. You might want to try it. I still use Internet Explorer sometimes but now use Chrome for all of my blog stuff.
Lee" rel="nofollow">Tossing It Out
Arlee, thanks for informing me about your experiences with that particular browser.
Nicole - wow, this is a twist on the writercize. I love it!! Okay, I'm going to have to do a little research on this one and will be right back over here ... ;)
Answering the $2000 clue:
What is Hospitalite'?
Looks like an interesting film. Thanks again for the film twist - very creative!
Alana, thanks for playing this Jeopardy game. I'm glad that you liked this twist on your writing exercise.
With four clues left for other bloggers to answer, I'll select the winners this weekend on Saturday and let everyone know the correct answers at that time!