Why Four Eyed Monsters Should be Continued...

In this Week's Monday Movie Meme, The Bumbles ask "What movie doesn't have a sequel that you wish did?" and I totally understand how they could want a sequel to "Bourne Ultimatum" and also agree with the frustrations over the production limbo, plot games and casting strangeness that this Bourne Movie Franchise has been going through for too long.
There are also lots of independent films that I believe could do well in a sequel. One in particular is "Four Eyed Monsters" because after building a large fan following that supported their relationship, Arin and Susan's story doesn't have to stop there despite its emotional ending.
DISCLAIMER - The rest of this post might contain movie spoilers, so if you have not watched "Four Eyed Monsters" and plan to in the near future, then I suggest you check it out before reading any further. After watching the movie, you are welcome to return and add your two cents if desired. Side Note: If you need to read this disclaimer than I need to ask...Why haven't you watched "Four Eyed Monsters" already? It's a great movie! I highly recommend it.
Now, anyone who checks out their stuff would know that they work on projects together in real life so let's get that out of the way. From a consumer or rather that of a moviegoer/watcher/YouTube streamer perspective, it would be nice to learn how the two talented individuals related to one another following the breakup and also how their lives changed following the breakup.
Did they find a new boyfriend or girlfriend who could inspire them as much as their previous significant other?
Were their professional lives and ability to achieve artistic goals better or worse now that they are no longer one unit?
Is there any chance that Arin and Susan will get back together?
Since "Four Eyed Monsters" was very personal and lots of people became attached to Arin and Susan's relationship, closure for fans would be an even greater (and probably a somewhat therapeutic) reason to release a sequel. The second film could help fans learn how to deal with change and teach people that life does go on after a serious relationship. This factor could probably help everyday folk, even if they don't follow independent films or art or social media.
People who are having problems in their relationship or find it hard to move on after being with someone that they love for a long time could probably benefit from a sequel, by learning how the two main subjects in "Four Eyed Monsters" deal with it.
With that said, here are two reasons why there probably won't be a sequel to "Four Eyed Monsters," at least in my opinion.
1. Sequels suck! Sure, it's nice to fantasize about the next edition of favorite films but have we learned nothing from "Sex and the City 2," "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2" or "_______________" (YOU fill in the blank in the comments section!)? Most movies should not have a sequel because often times, it's never as good as the first one so the sequel ends up not only disappointing fans who had high expectations but now it also causes a great film to be lumped in with what ha become a lackluster series.
It's kind of like buying an album and then learning that you only enjoy two or three songs. Two songs won't make me want to listen to an album if I have to sort through 14 tracks that I can't stand.
2. From a filmmaking perspective, another reason why I believe that there probably won't be a "Four Eyed Monsters" sequel is because that in it's early stages, that whole video series was an experiment that turned into something great. The collaboration of two people who brought their different talents and skills together built a large following and created a platform where people could share ideas and discuss topics that were of interest to everyone involved, in some way or another. Expecting them to reproduce another "Four Eyed Monsters" is silly because they've both grown as artists and individuals so why try to aggravate their creative process by trying to get them to remain in the same spot....or on the same project?
The bottom line.......
Sometimes, film sequels should be non-existent because they are just either not appropriate (like making a 'Bourne' movie without Matt Damon....they must be crazy) or necessary (like making a "Sex and the City 3" movie...please tell me that Sarah Jessica Parker is kidding).
Still, if Arin and Susan decide to make an aftermath of their breakup or some type of glimpse into the time periods that followed their separation, you better believe that I'll be in line at the movie theater or right up on YouTube or wherever they decide to screen it.
Hey, a girl can dream!
"Four Eyed Monsters" is available on DVD and in a variety of other platforms.
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, movie+meme+should+be+continued, the+bumbles+blog, the+daily+meme, four+eyed+monsters, four+eyed+monsters+sequel, four+eyed+monsters+movie, four+eyed+monsters+film, movies, feature+films, youtube,
Reader Comments (2)
Wow...reading some reviews I'm going to have to check out flick out!
As for a movie(s) that deserves a sequel, for me it would have to be Real Genius or The Warriors. Two of my favorite films, but with them made in the late 70's / early 80's I'm not sure how you could capture that raw spirit and not give in to cliched studio pressure or quick turnaround / weak script. For me these movies were lightening in a bottle. Trying to recapture that would impossible
I'm not too familiar with Real Genius but may have heard of The Warriors at some point in time. I'll have to check those titles out to see if I'd be interested in watching them.
I agree with your concerns regarding the quality of these two sequel picks due to studio actions that usually ruin a film sequel and kind of tarnish the name of the first movie, and its memories.
Re: Four Eyed Monsters (also referred to FEM on some websites), I watched the movie in pieces back when it was on YouTube before it was released all together as a feature.
This film and its makers have a sort-of cult following through the power of social media but they have also become very well known in the film industry because of their work and their innovative applications with regards to DIY Filmmaking, specifically in the area of distribution.
They are very inspiring artists.