Netflix Suggestions I got from David Tutera’s ‘My Fair Wedding’ on WE tv #nablopomo #mfw #wetv

The fashionista bride in Season 5 of “My Fair Wedding” with David Tutera on WE tv selected a theme for her nuptials that could possibly make viewers realize how little they know about historical figures. Presented with the task of creating a dream wedding that has a Marie Antoinette vibe, sprinkled with indulgence in fashion, pastel colors and sweets, WE tv host, David Tutera is surely the right man for this job. I cannot imagine how all of those ideas could be incorporated in a way that doesn’t make the wedding look like a train wreck. The only thing I know about Marie Antoinette is that it is the name of a Sofia Coppola movie.
Unfortunately, I never event watched “Marie Antoinette” when it was released, so that got me thinking….what kind of decorations and fashion should one possess when planning a wedding, or even a festive social gathering for the holidays or special occasions. Do these elements have to be old? Do they have to be big and fluffy? Does the tablecloths, shoes or attire for the guests, hosts and/or guest of honor have to be Vintage?
It appears that unless you can get David Tutera or some other professional with equivalent event planning skills to consult on your get-together, a Marie Antoinette theme may be out of the question. You can fake it until you make it, however, by focusing on one element such as an outfit, instead of the entire soirée. Judging by Tutera’s reponse to the fashionista bride’s wedding gown choice in a sneak preview of Season 5 of “My Fair Wedding,” the outfit could set the tone for everything else related to an event.
Since many fashionistas (and non-fashionistas, alike) will tell anyone who asks that a stylish pair of shoes could make or break any outfit that you’re trying to pull off, I went to South Philly Style Shoes for suggestions on footwear that would fit a Marie Antoinette wedding theme or other special occasion. The owner Jo Anne, who watches “My Fair Wedding” on WE tv and also provided merchandise for sister brides on the show “Whose Wedding Is it Anyway” in 2009 told me that they have shoes with lace, feathers, roses and a large selection of other styles that could fit the needs of a fashionista bride looking for something to go with her Marie Antoinette look.
As frequent “My Fair Wedding” viewer, she likes to get ideas about what brides are looking for and wearing; “I always like looking at the beautiful wedding gowns….every girl wants to be a princess for the day” says Jo Anne, who is approaching her own 25th year wedding anniversary.
After watching the previews of the “My Fair Wedding” episode featuring the fashionista bride and trying to find out more about the real Marie Antoinette, the theme seems rather too involved than I'd prefer to try and pull off for an event. I’ll stick with wearing cute shoes and leave the party planning details to the pros such as David Tutera. I will, however, be adding “Marie Antoinette” to my Netflix queue out of mere curiosity. It will be a nice addition to “The Virgin Suicides,” which still hasn’t arrived yet!
Season 5 of “My Fair Wedding” hosted by David Tutera Premieres Sunday, November 13th at 9/8c on We tv!
South Philly Style Shoes carries dyeable, bridesmaids and wedding shoes, and accessories. This store is located at 2116 S. Broad Street in Philadelphia, PA
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