My Favorite Movies Featuring Books in the Story #meme

It’s a Cyber somber Monday...nothing like a funeral in the morning to get the week started off on a pretty depressing note. Thank goodness that it’s Dale’s week at Smurfin’ the Web, to host the Monday Movie Meme and he has made it all about the story. Isn't this what life is about anyway...what you're story is going to be? Dale says to share your favorite movies that feature a book in the story, not movies based on books. Here are my selections for this week's "book in the story" meme.
The Answer Man
Jeff Daniels and Lauren Graham (of the WB’s “Gilmore Girls” and currently of NBC’s “Parenthood” star in this romantic comedy about a reclusive author who wrote a best-selling book called Me and God. His life changes in unexpected ways after he starts dating his chiropractor and well, things don’t turn out so well when everyone in the world shows up at the doorstep, seeking help with their problems or curiosities that range from the very serious and spiritual to the oh-so mundane.
Well, what did you expect after writing and publishing a book about your close relationship with God? Of course, everyone in the world...or at least enough to fill up several football fields will show up, wanting answers, wanting the hookup with the lord and wanting solutions since you have the direct connection to the all mighty one, and all!
Ok, if you don’t know how this movie fits, stay with me for a minute. The serial killer that Brad Pitts’ and Morgan Freemans’ characters are investigating commits his murders based on the seven deadly sins. Where are these sins found? In the Bible. So, that’s a book. There you go! By the way...I still haven’t gotten up the balls to watch this movie in it’s entirety but it’s on my to-do list. Everything about this film is just too creepy.
It’s post-apocalyptic story takes Denzel Washington’s character on a long journey to keep a sacred book out of the hands of those who want to use it for their own greed or ill intentions. He fights his way through the battle of a lifetime while trying to stay true to his mission. This movie, in particular has me thinking about the many books we buy and keep in our libraries or small book collections and whether they are worth fighting for.
The founder of Couchfest films said that he would get in a bar brawl for any of the films that were selected for his film festival this year....can you say the same thing for the books in your possession? Are they good enough to fight for? Are they worth going to the depths of the earth and encountering all sorts of challenges for their protection and preservation for the next generation or the fellow men you encounter today? If not, then why are you keeping them?.....just something to think about!
Since I think I may have used one or more, or all of these films in a previous meme, I'm really going to have to take a friend of mine's advice and step my movie game up, fast!
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, smurfin+the+web, movies+about+books, films+about+books, movies+with+books+in+the+story, movie+meme, the+book+of+eli, the+answer+man+books, seven+bible, seven+movie+bible, seven+movie+book, blog+meme
Reader Comments (2)
Good choices, but I still wouldnt put Seven in there, its not a film about the bible. His notebook howver should have been your focus here, its part of his character and it drawn attention to a lot. =)
You make a point there, Dale. I must watch Seven all the way through, now, to have a better understanding of how the notebook plays a part in the storyline. I can't argue with you pointing that out, lol. I'll leave the Bible to the Book of Eli, I suppose.