Movie Goer Files Lawsuit over “Drive” Starring Ryan Gosling #movies #michigan #theaters #film

What good are movie trailers and movie reviews for if people don't watch and read them? Ryan Gosling’s thriller “Drive” allegedly lacks so much action that it caused a woman who saw this movie at the Emagine theater in Michigan to sue. The distributor of this film and the movie theater are both the targets of a disgruntled movie goer’s lawsuit because “Drive” had little to no driving scenes, did not resemble that of a chase or racing film such as “Fast and the Furious” and instead contained lots of anti-Semitic messages, according to the NY Times.
The woman also has plans to try and turn this into a class action suit so other movie goers unhappy with “Drive” can join her in these complaints. I can’t help but wonder if this lawsuit is more about her claims that the film depicts racism toward people of Jewish faith than it is about Ryan Gosling’s scenes not comparing to Vin Diesel’s speed.....especially since Emagine theater offered to refund the cost of her movie ticket.
If every movie goer who felt mislead or offended by a movie that they watched took distributors and theaters to court, our judicial system would have more problems than it already does and be more backed up due to silly things like this “Drive” situation that takes up time and resources of law officials that could be better spent dealing with cases involving thieves, murderers, assailants, corporate corruption and other crimes.
I know people who were upset and unfulfilled after watching “Shutter Island” in movie theaters because the movie is confusing. Now while some would gladly welcome a $12 refund from Leonardo DiCaprio, these movie goers are certainly not suing Paramount Pictures. You know what they did instead? They didn’t buy the DVD when it came out and they probably won’t recommend “Shutter Island” to their friends. Fair enough?
Was "Drive" that bad, or is this woman and her lawsuit out of line?
As silly as this “Drive” lawsuit is, it has almost perfect timing because Ryan Gosling is the King Dong of October!
Join me in saying “so long” to Leonardo DiCaprio, who dominated my blog over the last few months and “hello” to Ryan Gosling who will be the new least for the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more Gosling-centered posts during the rest of the month.
Technorati Tags: filmdistrict, ryan+gosling+drive, ryan+gosling+movie, drive+movie+lawsuit, drive+film+lawsuit, king+dong, king+dong+movies, ryan+gosling+king+dong, movie+lawsuit, movie+theater+lawsuit, Emagine+Theaters, Emagine+movie+theater, Emagine+Theaters+drive+lawsuit, michigan+movie+theaters, movie+theaters+in+michigan, ryan+gosling+lawsuit, action+movies+with+driving, drive+action+movie, driving+movies
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