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How to Bounce Back in Life, Like a Boss! The Superwoman Edition

Lilly Singh aka Superwoman on set where she plays a spy named Lana Steele for the #ilovemakeup channel.Lilly Singh is a hero who always puts me in a good mood with her outlook on changing the world. As YouTube’s Superwoman, she uses humor to tackle situations and issues that the average person can relate to such as awkward moments with parents, friendships, having confidence, illness, dating, traveling, racism, goal setting, homophobia, depression and living your dreams.

There are times when I think I’ve lost all hope for humanity and then someone like her shows up.

Watching her work reminds me how we all have the power to make our todays better than our yesterdays, and inspire those around us to be all we can be and treat each other kindly.

So I dedicate today’s blog post to the person who finds themselves at the end of his or her rope and is trying to figure out a way to hang on. Canadian actress Lilly Singh is more than a comic who loves buttery popcorn, Chipotle, “surround sound and the colossal feel of the Cineplex” but thinks 3D glasses are horrendous inventions that were “designed to prevent couples from making out at the movie theater.” She carries with her the message that no experience is too much to handle when you believe in yourself enough to battle this gigantic monster called life with all your might.

Superwoman says no matter how many people watched her videos, all the work that went into making them would be worth it if she could make just one person smile. A lesson that can be gleaned from this is that focusing on others makes it possible for you to literally swoop in and save their day. Another way to look at this can be found in the likelihood that you’ll have a lot less time to be in a funk, because you’re too busy putting out positive energy into the world.

Superwoman says producing sketch comedy videos helped her get out of depression. So it should come as no surprise to anyone else how much laughter can really be the best medicine, especially when you are going through hard times. Listening to a funny joke or watching comedy movies are a quick way to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down in the dumps. If we can find it in ourselves to laugh, then that means some circumstances don’t suck as bad as we think they do.

B is for Bouncing Back and Being a BossSuperwoman says a lack of representation of women in her Punjabi culture, within the new media landscape, is what influenced the themes in her videos. If anything, this tells of the possibilities available when you become a leader rather than a follower. It’s one thing to consume entertainment but it’s a whole other ballgame when you decide to create the images that are being placed in front of the rest of the world.

That takes some balls and can be life changing when other people start coming out of the woodworks because they finally see something, or someone with whom they share similar experiences or viewpoints. The short of this lesson is that if you work to improve the things you don’t like about the media (or the world, for that matter) or introduce things you notice are missing from the space, you’ll make life a little better for other people while also doing the same for yourself.

It takes a willingness to get back up for another around in the boxing ring when life knocks you down, that builds your super powers. This young lady named Lilly Singh aka Superwoman doesn’t hesitate to let everyone know that we can be our own superheroes too.

Can YOU describe a situation, big or small, (illness, road rage, grief, breakup, injury/accident, work/job challenges, lawsuit, etc.) where you had to show those circumstances who’s BOSS?

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Reader Comments (12)

Oh yeah...for sure: infertility... IVF... intercountry adoption....
And not just remaining boss... retaining a sense of humour.
Wendy at Wendy of The Rock

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterwendy

I'm kind of in the middle of one of those life events at the moment. It takes stamina, I can tell you that!

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterC. Lee McKenzie

We had a bad year once where my husband's other died and then my father a few months later. A few months after that my daughter was born, little sister to five big brothers. Yeah, we were the boss, feeling blessed from beyond.

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSusan Gourley

Neat! I'll have to check her out! Ahh yess. Parent's divorce, moving, unhealthy relationships, body dysmorphia, my mom getting diagnosed with cancer. Scarlet letters I'm so not ashamed of. It just makes your stronger.

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Tran

What a great post! I will have to check out Lilly Singh. I'm a parent of a child with disabilities. Some days are not fun. But we live by the mantra "If you're going to laugh about it later, you might as well laugh about it now!"

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKaryn Good

In a short span of time I lost my health, two pregnancies, financial security, and as a result of all that, a marriage. Best thing that ever happened to me! When I lost nearly everything, I changed my life and focused on what really mattered. These days my life is beyond magical, but I now know how strong I am, and that is truly a gift.

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNadine Feldman

Loves Chipotle, hates 3D glasses? My kind of woman! More and more, as I'm approaching my 40th birthday, I feel more and more confident in my ability to be the BOSS of my own life. It's liberating!

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKari

I love this evolution in entertainment. I enjoy seeing more cultures and people represented. The same o same o gets old and boring. Ya know? Maybe I'm in the minority for enjoying learning about different places and cultures. Untethered Realms

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMary Pax

From the little that I've read and heard about loved ones dealing with some of those situations, what you've dealt with is clearly no walk in the park; cheers to you for standing your ground on keeping your ability to find humor in the midst of those experiences. Thank you for reading my blog post for Letter B as well as adding your comment to this discussion on bouncing back in life!

C. Lee McKenzie,
Much blessings to you in the life events that you are in the middle of at this time. Stamina builds strength, right?! Keep on fighting the good fight. I know you're a trooper who can make it through. Thanks for returning to read today's post :)

Losing family months apart is a hard thing to deal with. Your daughter coming into the world showed how great life can begin anew following hardship. Cheers to you and your family, and thank you for reading this blog post!

Thanks a bunch and yes do check out some of Lilly Singh's work! From what I've read in your comment it looks like you've gone through a lot of challenges; cheers to you for being brave in using it to make you stronger. I've known a lot of people with cancer, some of whom didn't make it and it's no fun for those who are diagnosed, going through something like that. I wish you and your mom the very best. I had to look up the meaning of "body dysmorphia," as I was unfamiliar with that term, but, it's great that you own your life and don't let experiences be the only things that define you. That is awesome! Thank you for adding to the conversation on this blog post!

Oh thank you ever so kindly for enjoying this blog post! It makes me happy to know you liked it and even moreso that my writing has piqued your interest in checking out Lilly Singh's videos. Yes I think you will be happy you did once you get a whiff of that Superwoman's awesome sauce! I've known parents with children who have disabilities and you guys and gals are superheroes in your own right, as that is a tough job indeed on top of the already hard job of being a parent altogether. Everyone could stand to benefit from living by your mantra. Kudos to you and thank you for participating in this discussion on bouncing back like a boss! :)

What you describe is enough to send any woman into a serious breakdown mode of despair. It's great that more magical life-changing experiences came to you after going through those tough times. You really do know what it's like to bounce back from the storms in life, to find the rainbows that grace the sky after all those clouds move away. Cheers to you and thanks a lot for reading this post and being part of the discussion.

The Chipotle thing I dig but the 3D glasses...well I'm just pretty indifferent to them, lol. They have their place in the theater, during movies like AVATAR and whatot. There's not much greater than the liberation of being the boss of your life. Once you've mastered that most other things come pretty easier to deal with or at least they're less traumatic than they would be otherwise, because it gives you the freedom and confidence of knowing you can do and be anything; that nothing is out of your reach because you determine what you want out of life based on your own needs and not those dictated by any others or outside influence. Thank you for your comment on this post, and stay liberated, woman! :)

Mary Pax,
It's great to know you enjoy how entertainment is evolving, particularly when it comes to the representation of different cultures. I too do like learning about different people and places, which makes it very important that the entertainment industry continue to improve in the way that they represent the world...because the world is filled with variety and it is rich in wonderful cultures everywhere. Better to produce media content that reflects that rather than putting out material that denies or neglects that this variety exists. Thanks for reading this post and adding your comment to the discussion about bouncing back based on lessons learned from the Indian actress Lilly Singh aka Superwoman!

April 2, 2015 | Registered CommenterNicole

Aloha! Hopping by from #AZchat on twitter. I have a non WP blog, so I'd love to know if you have trouble commenting on it. I like how you are creatively interpreting the letter B for Boss, with a title that doesn't start w/ B! I don't usually play the Boss role but once had to yell at a person who was parked in our driveway, so I did and survived.
Maui Jungalow

April 2, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

I love 3-D movies, but I completely get Lilly's point about the design!

A few situations yes, where the going got a bit tough. Change is hard to deal with even when the change is for the better, and when it for the worse, it's even harder. Acceptance is the first step. Without that no strategies for moving on can happen.

Best wishes,

April 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterNilanjana Bose

What a fantastic resource- I will have to check her out!

April 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterBeverly

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