4 Reasons to go see The Simpsons Movie

Bart Simpson is going Full Frontal
There has been much controversy surrounding Bart Simpsonâs nudity scene in The Simpsons movie. Many people are supportive and others are against the scene. There are also citizens who frankly do not care whether the nude scene is in this movie or not. No matter where you fall on the subject, it is worth investigating. Only when you see the movie will you be able to determine if it is offensive or not.
The controversy behind Bart Simpsonâs full frontal scene has provided additional publicity for the movie. This can only work in the Hollywood studioâs favor. Despite the complaints from many citizens concerning the appropriateness of Bart Simpsonâs nude scene, millions of people are interested in seeing this movie. This interest includes those who may be against the scene. Many people want to watch it out of pure curiosity. It is one reason to go see The Simpsons Movie.
A must-see for true Simpsons fanatics
If you are a fan of the TV show, there is no reason to skip out on it at the local movie theater. The Simpsons Movie is a big part of history related to the animated seriesâ. Every popular animated TV show does not do well as a feature film. The Garfield Movie is an example of that point. Many fans of this well loved cat were disappointed and somewhat confused about the motion picture version.
It is important to support The Simpsons Movie as much as you can. The filmâs box office results will determine who the real fans are. Those who have been watching the Simpsons on Fox for years and have collected memorabilia are the same individuals who should be at the theater on opening night. The Simpsons Movie is a great addition to the long run of televisionâs most popular animated series. It is important to keep that popularity going.
Use The Simpsons as Writing Material
If you own a blog or online journal, writing about The Simpsons Movie could attract more visitors to your website. You can write about the trailer and every other topic under the sun related to the movie up to its release. However, you may benefit greatly by writing about your own personal reviews on the movie. This can be done only after you have seen The Simpsons movie in its entirety. There will be tons of reviews on this movie once it is released.
Some will like it and other will trash it. Your blog or website post will help someone else determine whether they should rent it, go see it in the theater or skip the movie altogether.
Many people want to read about The Simpsons Movie. Why not direct these people to your blog or website? An ongoing debate may arise from your reviews. This offers a chance to obtain repeast visitors to your blog. That can mean popularity for your website and possibly more cash if you have monetized this area as well.
Everyone else is doing it
This is the bottom line when it comes to The Simpsons Movie. It does not matter what your friendâs say or do. The only thing that matters is that you have seen The Simpsons Movie in itâs entirety at the movie theater. It will allow you to decide for yourself if it was good and whether or not people should complain about Bart Simpsonâs nude scene. Just about every citizen on the planet is going to see this movie when it is released.
Some are heading to the theater to support their favorite characters. Other people are going just so that they can have more reasons to criticize it once they leave the theater. No matter what the reason is, you do not want to be left out when your co-workers, myspace friends and neighbors are discussing it. The only way to make sure that you can join in on conversations is to go and see the movie. I am not The Simpsonsâ number one fan, yet I am still interested in this movie because of what it represents. Itâs a movie about âThe Simpsonsâ and you cannot get any better than that.