Urbanworld Film Festival 2024

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Directed by by Frank Sputh, Bin Martha, Kolumbianerin (I'm Martha, Colombian) is a slowcumentary, the nearly three-hour portrait of a young Afro-Colombian woman, a slow, closely observing documentary.

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Perspectives directed by Neer Shelter has qualfied for the 2024 Academy Awards


#Oscars #Shortlist

FYC: Academy qualified short film 'Perspectives' directed by Neer Shelter | Oscars Shortlist



📣 MADE @ BOK SPRING MARKET IS HERE 📣 Our first Market of 2022! On Sunday, May 1st from 11-4pm, come grab a gift for mom, a treat for your loves or something to brighten up your life in the way only springtime can like clothing, jewelry, ceramic and vintage wares, a brownie or two (or five), and more! 🤗 We'll be setting up in the gym as well as all the shops in retail row through the (new and improved!) Dudley St door.

See you then! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

Rent Abyss: The Greated Proposal Ever, a short film made with a diverse cast & crew working together to tell a story about Love, Friendship and PTSD! This urban military homecoming drama is a candid glimpse into the troubles surrounding a U.S. Army Sergeant who gets stranded by SEPTA in the inner city when a wild marriage proposal shakes up his plans to reunite with the only family he knows. 

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Entries in Documentaries (22)


‘Player Hating: A Love Story’ - The Extended Edition (Movie Review) #indiefilm #documentaries

The Indie Fest USA International Film Festival’s Audience Impact Award winning documentary “Player Hating: A Love Story” had a well-received theatrical debut in the Spring. I managed to score an advance peak at the film for my Birthplace Magazine review and am reminding those who may not have had the chance to see the movie in theaters, that it is available On Demand, to download and on DVD.

In preparation for a soon-to-be-posted interview that has been a long time coming, I attempted to write an In a Nutshell review of this documentary but after two revisions, it still clocks out at way over my minimum word count -- placing it among the growing Extended movie review files. Here are the results.

“Player Hating: A Love Story” is a documentary chronicling the weeks leading up to a Brooklyn-bred hip-hop artist’s first major album release. Live concerts and in-store appearances are a mere backdrop to what lies behind those microphones, hard beats and brutal lyrics. Rapper Half-a-Mill and his Godfia Criminals give filmmaker Maggie Hadleigh-West an all-access pass into their daily grind of passion, fears, motivation and struggle to navigate the treacherous neighborhood that seems to breed violence, poverty and despair.

Judgment of these men and their associates may come easy within the first few scenes -- even going so far as to condemn them for the choices they make. After all, what man in his right mind would drive around in a car laced with bullet holes as his infant child sits in the passenger seat? It doesn’t take long, however, to get wrapped up in the lives of the few who dream of better possibilities outside of the dire circumstances they face every day.

From the blunt stairwell interviews in the housing projects to street fights and tragic hospital visits, “Player Hating: A Love Story” shows a genuine connection with Half-a-Mill and his crew while championing their efforts to change the course of what seems like an inevitable fate of either imprisonment or death.

It’s not that hard to like them or maybe also grow to understand them, even if you don’t relate to them.

All of their hopes and dreams of escaping this assumed destiny rides on the back of one man’s music career. Having the weight of the Crown Heights neighborhood on his shoulders does not deter Half-a-Mill’s unstoppable and passionate quest to create a better life for his family -- maybe even going so far as to buy an ocean.

In an environment that thrives on gangs, drugs, broken families and unemployment, Half-a-Mill is often reminded that all of the talent, record deals and drive in the world may not be enough when he is surrounded by more people who will do whatever it takes to sabotage his progress -- people who want him to fail because he has the audacity to try.

Yet, he prevails in his journey while viewers watch in support of this 26 year-old man’s tenacity for music, money, fame and most importantly, safety -- hoping that he can make it there in one piece.

In a Nutshell - “Player Hating: A Love Story” is about more than music and screaming fans who wait in line for autographs. It does not feature corporate-backed and manufactured gangstas who brag about all of the marijuana they smoke in the expensive cars that they drive on exotic lands where they go through women like we go through soap. This is the kind of movie that you probably wouldn’t find on MTV, BET or related “music” channels unless a censored version is released. All in all, I think it’s well worth watching.

Have YOU ever experienced player hating in your life? If so, how did YOU handle it?

What is the most recent Hip-Hop themed movie that YOU watched?


‘Are All Men Pedophiles?’ - Dutch Filmmaker Jan-Willem Breure on his International Documentary #indiefilm

The controversial feature debut of Dutch producer/director Jan-Willem Breure titled “Are All Men Pedophiles?” has been making its way around the film festival circuit -- with screenings in Iowa and Amsterdam. It is said to currently be playing at Festival Mix 2012 in Mexico but the future availability of the film in the U.S. has yet to be released, so I have no idea if or when we’ll have the option of checking out this documentary.

Based on its synopsis, “Are All Men Pedophiles?” aims to question the hypocrisy within our society’s beliefs about pedophilia. It highlights misunderstandings about pedophilia that has resulted in a society that condemns attraction to adolescent girls despite history and world culture suggesting that it is natural and unavoidable. According to the website for this film, the “fashion industry sexualizes very young girls but those who act on those instincts are reviled.”

The movie features several doctors - a neurologist; psychologist; sexologist, etc. and religious leaders, historians and modeling scouts who shed some light on the meaning of pedophilia, views regarding age and sexual attraction to teen girls. It also claims to be the first international feature length documentary that has an interview with a female pedophile.

In May, I interviewed the 23 year-old Jan-Willem Breure about his documentary and am now just getting the time to post it.

Madlab Post: Does the Fashion industry's sexualization of young girls aid in the attraction to girls ages 16 and under?

Jan-Willem Breure: Yes, the average age of a fashion model is 16.

What are some misconceptions about pedophilia that this film unravels?

There is a difference between pedophiles and hebophiles,  under 18 does not mean pedophilia.

Since the age of consent for females around the world ranges from nine years-old to 20 years of age, do you think religion is a large factor in our Western society's condemnation of a man's attraction to girls under 18 years-old?

No, Mary was 12-15 when she got pregnant -- the church is not embarrassed by this, but the church was a major cause of Sex guilt and also sex before marriage, so when the marriage age goes up you know there will be problems.

Are most men who claim they aren't attracted to girls under 18 years of age lying? Are they in denial?

Puberty ends for girls at 16 -- unless they are exclusive gerontophiles they are in denial because even teleiophilia overlaps with hebophilia.

Why is our culture quick to label men as pedophiles, yet, continue to be obsessed with youth, even going so far as to using age to measure beauty -- particularly where females are concerned?

Because they were not taught the definition of hebophilia. The were only giving one term for 2 things.

What was your motivation for making such a controversial film?

I realized the age of attraction does not change, instead it expands -- if you are attracted to 17 year olds, when you pass 18 (years of age) you don't automatically find people age 17 unattractive.

Although the subject matter is alarming, I would still probably watch the movie just to find out what comes of the on-screen discussion from both sides of the topic.

Boy....if only I was vacationing in Iowa or The Netherlands or Mexico! In the meantime, I guess I’ll continue to step my classic film game up by watching old black & white movies from the 1930s on Netflix.

Breure’s own average age of attraction to females ranges from 15 to 60. The movie poster for “Are All Men Pedophiles?” seems to reflect the main points of his film -- If you find teenage girls attractive, is that or is that not pedophilia? Breure already has plans to make another film, which will be about incest.

How old do YOU think the female on Jan-Willem Breure’s movie poster is?

Do YOU find her attractive?

Here is the trailer for the movie:


‘I’m Fine, Thanks’ Documentary Producer Adam Baker talks Kickstarter, SXSW and Ditching Complacency 

(l-r) Director Grant Peelle, Producer Adam Baker, and "I'm Fine, Thanks" crew.

The new feature length documentary titled “I’m Fine, Thanks” aims to encourage viewers to make their values a priority.

It was made during a two-month road trip across the country that ended in April and features real stories about the choices we make and paths we decide to follow in life. The documentary also examines whether the factors that drive our major life choices are connected to who we really are individually.

I’m looking forward to watching this movie, which I’ll be receiving in advance next month, along with the rest of the 4,000 backers who pledged to support it on Kickstarter. In the meantime, I had the pleasure of chatting with producer, Adam Baker of Crank Tank Studios about complacency, making movies on the road and the future of “I’m Fine, Thanks.”

How did you meet Grant Peelle and get involved with this documentary?

Grant and I originally met online and then again at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in Texas.  Our families became quick friends and we knew we'd like to try working on something in the future together. Eventually, we came up with the idea to travel and film the documentary - about a topic that meant something deeply to both of us (and affected both of our lives).

What film festivals do you plan on submitting the movie to once it's Portland, NY and LA premieres are concluded? Also, why did you decide to host three premieres outside of the film festival circuit rather than saving the World Premiere for a specific festival screening?

To be honest, we really aren't sure exactly which film festivals we will participate in during the next year. We have a goal to visit a minimum of 10 or so and know events like the SXSW Film Festival will definitely be on the list. We picked Portland for our World Premiere because it overlaps with the amazing World Domination Summit - A gathering of amazing people that has inspired Grant (the director) and myself.

NYC and L.A. were spread out - and where we had the most demand to schedule and rent a theater for follow-ups. 

So, in short, we aren't against the film festival circuit - but wanted to do our own premieres and meetups as well!

Did you find any connections to complacency and debt among the interviews that were conducted during production?

Oh, absolutely. Debt simply makes it THAT much easier to get stuck in a complacent life and work cycle. There were a couple stories where it may have not played a significant role - but the majority of people stuck in this problem are there - at least in part - due to their debt.

The first step my wife and I had to take in our life - was to attack our debt. By lowering the debt and ditching a bunch of our excess stuff, we had the freedom and the room to start making changes in our lifestyle.

Who is responsible for getting L.A. based cinematographer Bryan Olinger on board with the movie and what was your experience like working with him and the additional crew members?

Bryan (as well as team member John Cropper) are all from the same hometown as the director, Grant Peelle, in Ohio. So the initial connection came from that. Working with the crew in general was amazing. It's a tough experience really, to ride around the U.S. for six straight weeks with the same 5 guys in a van. We didn't live luxuriously - sleeping in motels, on air mattresses, and in stranger’s homes some of the time.

All the stress and hassle of the road wouldn't have been manageable without a flexible and skillful crew. The friendships we formed were one of the best outcomes of the whole trip!

"I'm Fine, Thanks" is coming soon, July 2012

What challenges did you face while traveling across country to film "I'm Fine, Thanks?"

The question is what challenges DIDN'T we face, haha!

We didn't have any of the tour scheduled, when we left for Buffalo. It was THAT crazy. We had a rough idea of who we wanted to talk to, and what cities we'd visit, but we had nothing scheduled. So the first and most reoccurring problem was scheduling interviews, falling behind, arriving too early, and managing the schedules of dozens and dozens of people.

We also didn't have specifics of where we would be staying, sleeping, eating, parking, etc... so, once again, logistics was definitely the most stressing part! Communicating, dealing with the people, and the equipment actually all held up well! We didn't have any breakdown - or major catastrophic issues - despite driving over 10,000 miles! 

Of all the Kickstarter backers you have so far, does the majority consist of people you know or have you found more support among strangers? -- Also, why did you choose to fundraise for the post-production and distribution phase of your film using Kickstarter, as opposed to just asking people for money directly, eliminating that all-or-nothing limbo placed on projects listed on Kickstarter?

The majority of backers so far on Kickstarter are strangers (at least I haven't met the far majority of them). Now, I say strangers, but many of these people may have come from existing networks we had previous to launching the campaign (readers of my community online, for example, that I've never met).

The problem with asking people for money directly is... how do you do that? Who do you ask? What platform do you use to get your information across? How do you collect their pledges and show your progress?

The truth is Kickstarter makes this extremely easy for creative types - and that's why they are so popular! It's an easy platform to build a community, demonstrate the importance of your work, and give rewards in exchange. People are becoming more and more familiar with the platform - and the hope is that Kickstarter exposes us to people who may not have found us otherwise. :)

Has an editor been secured for post-production?

I'm not the technical expert of the team, but our edits are mostly using Final Cut to edit the film. Our director is helping with edits, we have an assistant editor on staff, and we've hired the help of an editing studio and story-telling group called StillMotion to help consult and assist on the edit.

So all hands are on deck now - as we prepare for our eventual premiere!

Since the movie is already shot, what role does "storyboarding and planning" play in the next phase of the project?

It's absolutely huge. During a traditional movie, most of the storyboarding may happen before. You have scripted scenes - and have to establish a precise flow but with a documentary - or certainly THIS documentary, we have no idea what flow the specific story will have. We've got hours and hours and hours of footage. Both interview footage, scenic footage, and behind-the-scenes footage.

Now it's our job to tell this emerging story (what we captured) in the most entertaining and impactful way possible. And that's tremendously time consuming!

Do you plan to self-distribute "I'm Fine, Thanks" or work with a distributor?

We aren't against the potential of working with a distributor down the road, but currently we plan to self distribute. We our showing the premiere in three cities before the public release, and then releasing the movie online to the general public. We believe an affordable, open, and digital based distribution plan is the future of the industry - and want to support that.

What one thing can people could do right now to combat complacency in their lives?

Change the people they spend their free time with. From our interviews and experience on the road - the people you surround yourself with have the single biggest influence on the type of lifestyle you live.

By ditching people who hold you back or keep you stagnant - and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up - you can make huge strides very quickly. :)

If you’re reading this, YOU can join me in helping "I'm Fine, Thanks" claim the record of being the Most Backed Documentary on Kickstarter, in history. The campaign ends in less than 48 hours and every dollar (literally -- $1 pledges are being accepted!) counts.

Do YOU feel complacency creeping up in any area of your life?

When was the last time you went on a road trip?