Do what you do, whatever it takes, but do it now! #atozchallenge

Miami Police Captain Howard instructs two of his narcotics detectives to “do what you do, whatever it takes, but do it now,” in the action movie, “Bad Boys II” starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. He is not playing games as cops are hospitalized, in critical condition and kids are overdosing on ecstasy, imported to Miami by a Cuban drug lord named Johnny Tapia. Captain Howard is a man who interested in getting results by any means necessary – a leader whose top detectives are also willing to put in the work necessary to produce these results.
Although the investigative practices used in building their case against Tapia are questionable, there is something to be said about people who put in solid effort toward creating the changes that they want to see in their lives – or in the world around them.
They don’t talk about fighting crime, they do it. They don’t fantasize about saving lives, they do it. They don’t sit in a circle and collectively “woosah” their troubles away, they do it. By actively operating under the mindset of doing something like Captain Howard and his detectives, we put ourselves in a better position to turn our hopes and dreams into reality.
DO is the type of action verb that, when put in practice, brings us much more results than thinking about them, planning them and wishing for something to happen.
A few years ago, one guy in a writing group that I participated in was encountering some hard times and would frequently post updates on how he was low on money for basic needs as well as resources for gaining employment. After being declined for various forms of assistance programs and losing hours on a part-time job, he seemed to be hitting a low point and was not entirely optimistic about his circumstances.
During this time, another member of our group – who uses a wheelchair due to various health related difficulties – asked him “Where are you writing?” – In other words, what are you doing to try to improve your situation or maybe get out of it or at the very least, get some results? How many queries have you sent out? When was the last time you submitted an article to a company for pay? Even when being turned away by traditional means of income and assistance programs, it appeared that this man – who wanted to be a writer, was overlooking the one thing that he did have – the ability to write!
There comes a time in our lives when we must stop waiting around for something to happen, and just do something, already! – Anything. The best way to create change is by fighting what we don’t want like Captain Howard’s Detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Barnett fought the distribution of ecstasy in their city.
They went undercover as pest control workers, to get information about Tapia’s drug operation.
They personally examined human corpses and organs, to find enough evidence for an arrest.
They kidnapped a Klansman, to get leads on their case.
The tactics these detectives used are extreme but one thing is for sure – they didn’t sit around and wait for tips, evidence or leads to come to them. They actively went out and obtained these things by doing something.
The next time you want some type of result, figure out what needs to be done for you to get your intended result, and just do it. It won’t always be fun and it won’t always be pretty, but are you willing to put in the work?
Do you want to learn how to cook a better meatloaf? What are you doing to make that happen?
Do you want to get rid of toxic or fair-weather friends in your life? What are you doing to change the people you are around?
Do you want to go on an exotic vacation with your family? What are you doing to make that a reality?
Do you want to become America’s Next Top Model? What are you doing to put yourself out there?
See the pattern here?
If there is something you want, then do what you have to do, whatever it takes…but do it now!