Running on that Movie-Making High - The Rush #atozchallenge #MondayMovieMeme #IndieFilm

“The most expensive habit in the world is celluloid, not heroin, and I need a fix every two years.” – Steven Spielberg
Production slate during filming of NEWLYWEEDS directed by Shaka King.During a film podcast from 2013, Shaka King, director of the stoner comedy drama “NEWLYWEEDS” talks about how making movies caused him to wonder if he can take care of himself and be a filmmaker at the same time.
King, an Independent Spirit Award winner indicated that making this feature film debut threw his life out of balance.
“NEWLYWEEDS” is a Sundance hit that later played in theaters and is currently available on demand, DVD and iTunes. In between these milestones, however, King described being broke and feeling like his body was falling apart; concerned about the toll that filmmaking has taken on his health. Yet, despite these highs and lows, he’s eager to make the next one.
Shaka King‘s enthusiasm for making movies – even with all of the madness it brings, got me wondering if we’re all borderline crazy. Must we get a little crazy to be artists? After all, who in their right mind would willingly sign up for a second and third go 'round of the stress and debt that filmmaking brings?! It's like a drug -- trying to get that "high" again so bad that you'll do anything it takes, even if it makes your life more difficult in the process.
So with that in mind....
The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is based on the topic at hand: Adrenaline Rush.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people who are thrill seekers. Here are my selections, which are basically the first movies that came to mind when thinking about what would fit the bill for this week’s Adrenaline Rush theme.
It’s understandable that Jo was passionate about helping people get ahead of tornadoes as best as they could, in this adventure/disaster film. Some of her crew members, however, appeared to take great pleasure in being within seconds of danger, swept up in Mother Nature’s destructive, merciless, and potentially deadly storms.
Clockwork Orange
The group of friends in this movie get off on being delinquents; Hmm. Maybe they need a hug. Or, some jail time.
When was the last time YOU were excited to repeat an activity that previously caused chaos in your life?
Do YOU think art requires one to be crazy in order to pursue it, create it and/or deal with the rollercoaster of emotions that it brings?
What movies come to YOUR mind when you think about thrill seekers?