Donna’s Movie Night – There’s Nothing Like Netflix!
Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 11:00PM
Nicole in 2016 A to Z Challenge, A to Z Challenge, Blogfests, Blogging from A to Z, Netflix, comedy

Vinyl hijackers known as the Popcorn Snobs are catching up on their theme, ‘The Taking of April A-Z,’ as they run this blog for the next 13 (or so) days.

Hi everybody, my name is Donna and I’m here to set the record straight about what a perfect movie night looks like. You don’t need a big flat screen TV. You don’t need a huge DVD collection. You don’t need to buy decorations or turn your backyard into a drive-in theater. You don’t even need friends, no matter what Kesha says about it.

All you need is Netflix!

Well, that and maybe some delicious popcorn. This simple combo is exactly how I get to have an instantaneous movie night almost every day of the week, after a long day at work. Following a nice long bubble bath, Netflix is the way I wing down for the night. There’s nothing like it!

What films, snacks and/or activities played a part in the last movie night YOU had?

Donna is a popcorn snob that waits for no one when it comes to watching movies. She likes unlimited data plans, DVD box sets and good smelling soap.

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