Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa.Aside from being a popular tourist attraction, the famous Rocky steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art is also frequented by locals jogging their way through the city.
There is no doubt that celebrating this classic Sylvester Stallone flick by emulating one of its most iconic scenes can give you the adrenaline rush you’re seeking.
If staying fit is what you’re after, however, then there are many other viable routes for runners in Philadelphia that put you in close proximity to interesting landmarks.
- Run at the many different school tracks around the city. Track & field areas of high schools and universities are the stomping ground for students training for the Penn Relays. So, it’s not uncommon to find locals completing their walking and running routines at schools as well.
- Participate in the Broad Street Run. Thousands of people come from all over the country to be a part of this 10-mile race, benefiting the American Cancer Society. Joining these runners will bring you in contact with several historic landmarks in Philly that you probably didn’t even know about.
- Sign up for the Red Cross Walk & Run to save lives. This early morning workout is a great chance to help you keep your body in shape with the added perk of spending all day among the animal kingdom; Participants get free admission to the Philadelphia Zoo.
Marathoners competing in the Broad Street Run.Run across the Ben Franklin Bridge and back again. If anything, saving on toll fees while bouncing back and forth between Philly and New Jersey during with a close-up view of the Delaware River sounds like a mighty good deal.
- Run for your life! People get shot, shot at, hit by cars and assaulted in Philly. It’s the unfortunate reality of a city that’s said to be a place that loves you back. What a joke.
- Run through Penn’s landing. Its fun, it’s near the water and it connects you to South Street, one of the most popular shopping districts (and party scenes) in the area. That’s all you need to know.
There you have it! Six places to run in Philly, whether you’re a Rocky Balboa fan or just want to trim and/or tone your physique. Now the only thing left for you to do is tie up those shoe laces and get going!
R is for Running
On a typical day, what other type of exercise are YOU most likely to participate in aside from running?
What would make YOU want to run up the Rocky steps?
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