Monday Movie Meme – Pucker Up
Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11:45PM
Nicole in Memes, Moday Movie Meme, Monday Movie Meme

Here's hoping you’ve applied your ChapStick and popped a mint, because the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is all about lip-locking scenes:

Best Kiss

Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring the best on-screen kiss you’ve ever seen.

Today’s post is going to be short and sweet since my selection for this week’s Best Kiss theme includes just one epic lip-lock that cannot be beat. I mean sure, I could name some faves such as The Notebook or that scene outside of the jazz spot in Love Jones. Even those tender exchanges between Aragorn and Arwen in The Lord of the Rings trilogy are worth a mention. Still, nothing…noootthing is better than this…

Yep, I have to give it to Tobey McGuire and Kirsten Dunst (who I had mixed up with Claire Danes as first, while writing this post. How did that happen?!) for their adrenaline pumping, wet and steamy Spider-Man sugar. Now how are you going to top that!

Who had the best kiss YOU’VE ever seen in a movie?

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