What’s Your Number? #moviememe #nablopomo #amblogging
Monday, November 7, 2011 at 5:30AM
Nicole in Moday Movie Meme, NaBloPoMo

Monday Movie Meme

Welcome to another installment of the Monday Movie Meme, hosted by yours truly and Dale at Smurfin the Web. Before introducing this week’s topic, allow me to thank The Bumbles for starting such a fun event and I will miss them, now that they’ve decided to take on a new chapter of their life and blogging activities. As Dale and I continue with the regularly scheduled programming, we invite all Monday Movie Meme participants to join us on this cinematic train ride; as they say in Hollywood and on Broadway….the show must go on!

Based on a magazine article she read, Ally (played by Anna Faris) in “What’s Your Number” believes that sleeping with more than 20 men will ruin her chances of getting married….which brings us to his week’s theme: Oh, the Many Notches on Your Bedpost!

Share on your blog movies that feature women or men who have a truckload of sexual partners. Also, visit the blogs of your fellow Monday Movie Meme participants.

Here are my selections:

Waiting to Exhale

What's her number? - Well, 7 collectively but, Robin (played by Lela Rochon) had the most among all four of the main movie characters. Her dudes included The co-worker, the drug addict and the married-man-turned-baby-daddy. Robin also told her friend Bernadine (played by Angela Bassett) that she would "slam dunk him tonight, if you don't want him," referring to a guy that was checking Bernie out at a nightclub.

One day, this star-studded picture was playing on television at my mother’s house and a relative walked past and said (and I’m not paraphrasing) “they’re whores! They be sleeping with guys throughout this whole movie.” I never really thought about the characters in “Waiting to Exhale” like that, so I found it interesting that what has been hailed as some sort of Terry McMillan led empowerment picture for women may actually be giving off some bad vibes on the flip side, unintentionally of course.

Some viewers may consider this movie to be great on the feminism tip. Others may consider it to be promiscuous and irresponsible. Whatever the case may be….these women are getting it in big time.

The Good Girl
*this may contain spoiler alerts.
What's her number? - 3. Like, three within 93 minutes of audience-watching time, but more like over the span of a couple of weeks, maybe, in real time if you want to go the story route.

Attention: Jennifer Aniston,

How can you have an extra-marital affair with your co-worker and then bang your husband’s best friend in an attempt to keep the extra-marital affair a secret?

I didn't choose "The Good Girl" because of the character's number per se. In fact, it's not the number; it's how she got her number, since she IS married, and also the manner in which she chose to keep her cheating ways a secret from her husband. There are so many options for her like, I don't know...telling her husband the truth or offering to hook his best friend up with that weird girl who works the make-up counter at her store or offering to pay him to shut up. All of those options, and she takes the sex route. That makes her a really scandalous woman.

The General’s Daughter

What's her number? - The Army. Really. You're more than welcome to go watch this movie and then come back and tell me the exact or estimated number.

I’m aware of the psychological warfare factor that Elizabeth was going for and all, but, man…is sleeping with the Army Lieutenant’s entire staff the only option of revenge that she could come up with? What’s even more disturbing is the fact that she got killed after all of her hard work and dedication to bring down or humiliate or discredit (I forgot...what was she trying to accomplish, again? No, seriously. I haven't watched this movie in a few years). There was a promising future ahead for a woman with her kind of balls. No pun intended.

Tough ol' Elizabeth could have retired and published a book, ranking all of the Army officers’ level of experience in the bedroom or a book about her sexual escapades. It probably would’ve been a best seller. Or, she could have teamed up with Mark Zuckerberg and made the female version of Facebook…you know, the way it was in its early stages of development. Or did that only occur in “The Social Network” to make Zuckerberg’s rise to social networking genius seem more dramatic?

By the way, this is so random, but I cannot believe I came across an online marketplace listing where someone was selling a Special Edition VHS copy of "The General's Daughter" for 99 cents. The seller can't be serious. You might as well give that thing away, sweetie, or bundle it with other movies, at least.

So, What's YOUR number? Just kidding. You are all welcome to let me know what you think about this Anna Faris movie, though!

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